    关键词  双旋弹丸  无刷直流电机  STM32   PID控制
    Title  Study of Speed Control System for Dual-spin Projectiles
    To develop the spin-stabilized projectiles with precise guide, a class of speed control system for dual-spin stabilized projectiles equipped with canards was studied. The guide principle of canard-control dual-spin projectile was briefly analyzed. According to the requirements of functional parameters and the size of the projectile structure, and after comparing stepper motors and DC motors, selected the brushless DC motor as the executive motor. Designed structure of projectile body for test. Used switch Hall sensors to measure the relative speed of brushless DC motor, and photo-sensitive diode to measure the actual speed of projectile body simulation mechanism. STM32 processed the speed data measured by sensors. Then calculated and output PWM signal to control the motor. In order to control the stance of rudders, controlled motor speed with PID algorithm. Tested the speed control on the bench finally.
    Keywords  dual-spin projectile  brushless DC motor  STM32   PID control
    目   次
    1 引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1 双旋弹丸发展现状    1
    1.2 本文研究的内容    2
    2 驱动电机及供电电源的选择    3
    2.1 电机以及电源基本参数要求    3
    2.2 电机的选择    3
    2.3 电机控制    5
    2.4 供电电源的选择    7
    3 双旋弹丸转速控制方案    8
    3.1整体控制方案    8
    3.2 控制模块    8
    3.3 速度信号的获取与处理    10
    4 信号采集、计算与存储    15
    5 系统结构设计    16
    5.1 系统结构参数设计    16
    5.2 电机座结构设计    16
    5.3 试验用弹体模拟壳体机构设计    18
    6 系统转速控制    19
    6.1 PID控制    19
    6.2 PID参数整定    21
    6.3 转速控制方案    22
    6.4 控制算法的实现    24
    7 结构组装及试验    26
    7.1 结构组装    26
    7.2 试验    26
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    1    引言(或绪论)
    1.1 双旋弹丸发展现状
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