    关键词  NEPE推进剂  激光点火  点火延迟
    Title    Experimental Investigation of Laser Ignition   
      Characteristic of Fuel-Rich Propellant        
    The study on ignition property of propellants has great significance for revealing combustion mechanism and testing ignition model,and has provided the necessary basic data for analogue simulation of combustion. In recent years, Technology of laser ignition has became a hot research project.
    This article introduce CO2 laser ignition experimental system,and research on the influences of different environment component and different laser heat flux for property of ignition and combustion of NEPE propellant in closed combustion chamber,especially, analysing its ignition delay and burning rate.In order to record the process of ignition and combustion, observe its flame shape,I use the High-speed camera. Experimental data reveals that the laser heat flux and the content of oxygen in environment has great influence for ignition delay and flame structure of NEPE propellant under laser ignition.
    In addition, I design and improve the experimental device,realize that ignite several propellant without disassembling the device and propellant could rotate in special rotation speed.It is meaningful and improve the efficiency.
    Keywords  NEPE propellant  Laser ignition  Ignition delay
    目   次   
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  NEPE推进剂概述    2
    1.3  点火准则概述    2
    1.4  推进剂的点火特性实验研究    3
    1.5  本论文的主要研究工作    6
    2  激光点火实验技术    .8
    2.1  激光点火实验系统    8
    2.2  燃烧室气密性测试    10
    2.3  试样制备    11
    2.4  环境组分调节    12
    2.5  温度测量及点火燃烧过程的记录    13
    3  旋转试验台的设计    .15
    3.1  试验台概述    15
    3.2  可调速旋转结构设计    16
    3.3  多药柱连续点火结构设计    18
    3.4  试验台密封设计    20
    4  NEPE推进剂激光点火燃烧性能研究    .22
    4.1  不同环境组分下的激光点火实验    22
    4.1.1  点火延迟时间    22
    4.1.2  推进剂火焰结构    23
    4.1.3  推进剂火焰光强信号    26
    4.2  不同热流密度下的激光点火实验    27
    4.2.1  点火延迟时间    27
    4.2.2  推进剂表面温度    28
    结   论    30
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