    关键词:  主动式横向稳定杆  电机驱动  谐波减速器   防侧倾
    Title  A rotation drive mechanism
         Stabilizer bar as a very important part of automobile suspended frame, and the performance of automobile anti roll ability is quite important, it by its own reverse deformation, produce the roll torque, to prevent vehicle rollover.But, as the car now faster and faster, with a vehicle rollover accident frequency, therefore, people side leaning on car performance requirements more and more high, however, the traditional passive lateral stabilizer bar, its torsional rigidity fixed single, torsion Angle is relatively small, unable to better cope with the complex vehicle rollover.
         In this paper the lexus GS450H, on the basis of its original passive stabilizer bar, matched by an active lateral stabilizer bar.Active stabilizer bar system is consists of two parts, respectively, the horizontal stabilizer bar rod body parts and used to drive the rotation of the driving mechanism.Driving mechanism structure of general electric and hydraulic machine has two basic forms.In this paper, I adopt the motor drive active lateral stabilizer bar, provide the power, through the motor, a harmonic reducer reducer strength, make the roll performance to the stabilizer bar has greatly improved.
    Keywords  Active lateral stabilizer bar  Motor drive  Harmonic reducer   To prevent the roll
    1  引言    1
    1.1  主动式横向稳定杆国内外发展概况    1
    1.2  主动式横向稳定杆的形式    2
    2  稳定杆的力学计算    3
    2.1  横向稳定杆的简化    3
    2.2  主动式横向稳定杆的设计要求    5
    2.3  被动式横向稳定杆的力学计算    5
    3  电机的选择    10
    4  减速器的设计    10
    4.1  谐波齿轮传动的设计与计算    12
    4.2  柔轮的设计    14
    4.3  刚轮的设计    18
    4.4  波发生器的设计    18
    4.5  轴的设计    21
    4.6  其他构件的确定    23
    5  进行三文建模    24
    5.1 进行运动学分析    24
    5.2 导出工程图    24
    5.3  进行标注    24
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    1  引言
    1.1  主动式横向稳定杆国内外发展概况
    1.2  主动式横向稳定杆的形式
    主动式的横向稳定杆分别有两种不同形式的结构。第一种如图1.1 所示:它是将被动式的横向稳定杆从其中间断开,然后安装一个旋转驱动马达机构把稳定杆的左右两部分连接起来。旋转驱动马达能够让左右两部分进行相对的转动,从而输出转矩。第二种如图1.2 所示:它是在被动式横向稳定杆的一端安装一个差动式的液压缸构件,差动液压缸的一端和稳定杆连接,另一端与同车轮的横向摆臂连接,通过液压控制单元来改变液压缸的输出状态[9]。
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