    摘 要饲料制粒机是一种重要的农业机械,它在饲料工业中的应用范围非常广泛。国内饲料机械企业虽然在制粒机的设计、制造领域取得了很大进步,产品的外观、性能指标不断提高,但是与国外同类型设备相比较,仍然存在结构不合理,生产效率偏低、能耗偏高等缺陷,这极大地制约了产品的国际竞争力。
    Pellet mill is one of the agricultural machinery, which plays an important role in the feed processing machinery, and it’s widely used in feed processing industry. Though the domestic feed processing machinery enterprises have made great progress in the machine design,manufacture,and improved the appearance and performance of the products,compared with the same foreign equipment,domestic pellet mills still have a lot of disadvantages such as unreasonable structures,low productivities,high energy consumption.These have restricted the international competitiveness of the domestic pellet mill.
    This paper is mainly focus on the ring-type matrix of pellet mill. The process and the fundamental principle of pellet mill are introduced, including the classification and the development of pellet mill. Meanwhile,   three-dimensional model are created. Then we can analyze the performance of the ring-type matrix all by the computer.
    At last, in order to optimize the pellet mill, we make a test and finite element analysis on the ring-type matrix.
    Keywords: ring-type matrix, pellet mill, finite element
    目 录
    I    摘要    1                                                           
    II   ABSTRACT    2
    1    绪论    4
    1.1 选题意义    4
        1.1.1制粒机的发展历史    4
        1.1.2制粒机的现状    5
    1.2 论文的研究方法和结构    6
    2    环模制粒机简介    7
    2.1 制粒机的分类和基本特点    7
    2.2 环模制粒机的性能要求    8
    2.3 环模制粒机的制粒工艺及制粒过程    8
    2.3.1    制粒工艺    8
    2.3.2    制粒原理    11
    3    双驱动带式环模制粒机的结构    12
    3.1 主传动机构    13
    3.2 送料调质机构    14
    3.3 切刀调整机构    15
    3.4 相关机构建模    16
    3.5 带轮张紧机构    21
    3.6 三文模型总装图    21
    4    关键部件的性能分析    22
    4.1 环模的强度校核    22
    4.1.1    建立有限元模型    22
    4.1.2    有限元结果分析    24
    4.2 环模孔的性能分析    25
    4.2.1    建立有限元模型    25
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