    关键词:准静态校准 落锤液压校准装置 压电叠堆 逆压电效应
    Title         The study of the 0~1Mpa pressure calibration               
      device used in quasi-static pressure calibration     
    The low pressure signal especially within 0.01MPa~1MPa is difficulty to be calibrated by the quasi static calibration device at home and abroad, in order to design the quasi static calibration device which can produce the pressure within 0.01MPa~1MPa, the idea of using hydraulic hammer calibration device is put forward, according to the principle of existing hammer hydraulic pressure calibration device,the simulation model is established by adjusting the quality and the drop height of hammer and the area of the piston rod, the hydraulic hammer calibration device which can produce the half sine pressure signal within 0.01MPa~1MPa has some problems when considering the simulation analysis result: the drop height of the hammer is too small to be controlled; the weight of hammer is to light and the piston rod area is too small to be produced, so this idea is denied. The ideal of arranging piezoelectric stack at the bottom of the resonant cavity which is filled with liquid is inspired by the converse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric stack, achieving the excitation source which can produce the half sine pressure signal is realized by the way of passing the half sine voltage through the piezoelectric stack. Based on the simulation analysis of the piezoelectric pile’s deformation and cavity pressure, the equipment can produce the pressure within 0.01MPa~1MPa, so the idea of constructing the quasi static calibration device by using the theory of the inverse piezoelectric effect is put forward.
    Keywords  quasi-static calibration, hydraulic hammer calibration device, piezoelectric stack,  inverse piezoelectric effect
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外的发展    2
    1.2.2 国内的发展    2
    1.3 本文的研究内容和章节安排    3
    2    基于半正弦压力脉冲的准静态校准方法    4
    2.1 冲击波压力传感器准静态校准装置系统的组成    4
    2.2 冲击波压力传感系统准静态校准的基本方法    4
    2.3 0.01~1MPa落锤液压标定装置可行性分析    4
    2.3.1 落锤液压标定装置的工作原理    4
    2.3.2 常用落锤液压校准装置的结构    5
    2.3.3 0.01~1MPa半正弦压力脉冲可行性分析    6
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