    摘要: 曲柄压力机是一种广泛应用于生产制造中的的锻压设备,曲柄压力机具有结构简单,生产效率高等特点,在轧断、打孔、放料、折弯、成形等工艺工程中用途很广。本论文首先说明了曲柄压力机的结构、原理和其分类,接着对国内外对压力机的研究状况进行了介绍。然后根据任务书的要求,提出了曲柄压力机传动系统的传动系统的总体设计方案,并在此基础上分别对皮带传动、飞轮、转轴、齿轮等零部件进行了设计、计算、及校核工作。最后利用solidworks软件完成了曲柄压力机的三文造型设计,并仿真了其运动过程。  30377
    关键词: 压力机;传动系统;曲柄滑块机构
    Title:    The design of the transmission system for the crank  press machine                                             
    Crank press is widely used in the manufacture .It has a wide variety of uses and it has high production efficiency. Because of simple structure and easy to operate, it is widely used in cutting, punching, blanking, bending, riveting and forming field . Firstly, the structure ,the principle and the classification of the Crank press are described in this pape. And the domestic and foreign research status of the press machine is introduced. Secondly, according to the requirement of the specification, the crank press transmission system overall design scheme of the transmission system is put forward in this paper. Then, based on the design scheme ,the design, calculation, and corrective actions for the belt drive, flywheel, shaft, gear and other components are given in detail. Finally , the 3D modeling design and the simulation of crank press are completed by Solidworks.
    Keywords: Press machine   The slider-crank    the transmission system
     目   次 
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 压力机的应用领域    1
    1.2 曲柄压力机    2
    1.3 压力机传动系统原理    3
    1.4 国内外对压力机的研究现状    4
    1.5 研究意义    5
    1.6 各章节内容介绍    5
    2 曲柄压力机传动系统总体方案设计    6
    2.1 曲柄压力机的技术参数    6
    2.2 传动系统布置设计    6
    3 曲柄压力机传动系统零部件设计    9
    3.1 电动机功率和各级传动比计算及分配    9
    3.2 三角皮带传动设计和飞轮尺寸计算设计    12
    3.3 齿轮传动计算及设计    16
    3.4 转轴    17
    3.5 平键    20
    3.6 滚动轴承    21
    3.7 离合器    22
    3.8 制动器    23
    3.9 机身    25
    4 基于SolidWorks的三文造型设计:    28
    4.1 SolidWorks简介    28
    4.2 零部件三文造型设计    28
    总  结    31
    致  谢    32
    1  绪论
    1.1 压力机的应用领域
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