    毕业论文关键词: 斜行电梯,变角度,蜗轮丝杆升降机,导靴,承载架,轿厢座
    Oblique elevator is unlike vertical lift, it is mainly used in lifting things on the sloping track, saving energy, safety and reliability,it can meet the conditions for any angle between 15 ° to 75 °. oblique elevator can be pided in to two kinds : linear movement oblique elevator and curvilinear motion oblique elevator.For curvilinear motion oblique elevator,it is necessary to design a equipment which can meet the variable angle of the Elevator guide rail to guarantee the smooth operation of the oblique elevator.
    First of all ,this design choose the best program of the three  kinds of options ,and then design each part of the program, such as the variable angle part , carrying rack, Car seat and so on . variable angle part use the  worm gear lift to guarantee the horizontal movement of elevator. According to kinematics,I design a  hinge mechanism to guarantee
    a good connection between the pole and carrying rack. carrying rack use the channel iron to set up a steel to carry the he upper portion of the pressure. Car seat also use the channel iron to build ,it meets the request of the car seat .Finally  I design the elevator guide shoe, the hinge mechanism and the motor seat,the overall program makes the oblique elevator can go through the variable angle  part of  elevator guide rail safety and reliability.
      Keywords: Oblique lift, variable angle, worm screw lift, guide shoe, carrier, car seat
    摘    要    3
    第1章  绪 论    5
    1.1  国内外研究现状    5
    1.2 问题的提出    6
    1.3 课题研究的内容和意义    6
    第二章 设计方案    8
    第三章 变角度机构的设计    9
    3.1变角度机构的设计方案    9
    3.2运动过程的力学分析    11
    3.3 支撑杆和滚珠丝杆的设计    12
    3.3.1 支撑杆的材料选择    12
    3.3.2杆的横截面积和长度的选取    13
    3.4杆的强度校核    13
    3.5 杆与底部承载架的连接部分的设计    13
    3.5.1设计方案    13
    3.5.2 铰链机构的设计    14
    3.5.3 销钉强度的校核    15
    3.5.4 螺栓的强度校核    16
    第四章 承载架设计    20
    4.1 承载架的作用    20
    4.2 承载架的设计方案    20
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