

    关键词  电子驻车系统  变杠杆式比例放大器  及时性  效率性


    Title Electronic parking system variable leverage ratio amplifier design


    Car safety problem has always been public concern , the electronic parking system has gradually improved. The parking brake system and the amplifier system has an important role. Power amplifier can be enlarged or increased the rapid braking . Amplifier system has a fixed transmission ratio , the performance can meet the requirements unilateral . Leveraged proportional amplifier Variable gear ratio changes required to achieve 1.1 to 1.8 , while meeting the timeliness and effectiveness of the brakes.Based on the requirements change bars proportional amplifier presented several scenarios assumptions determined by comparing the overall program after.Then according to the overall plan further designed to determine the overall structure and size of parts and assembly relationships between the various parts.Press the strength stiffness requirements to check the strength of the stiffness of each part,and then the force of braking process so as to ensure parts meet the requirements.Drawing tools to draw out the final adoption of the parts of the two-dimensional,three-dimensional map , complete variable leverage ratio amplifier design.

    Keywords  Electronic parking system becomes leveraged timeliness proportional amplifier efficiency

    目   次

    1.绪论 1

    1.1课题研究背景 1

    1.2电子驻车制动系统发展现状 1

    1.3电子驻车制动系统未来研究方向 2

    1.4电子驻车制动系统的优点 2

    1.5课题的研究意义 3

    1.6课题的主要内容 3

    2. 电子驻车系统的结构 3

    2.1EPB的组成 3

    2.2电子驻车制动系统结构 4

    2.3工作原理 5

    2.4电子驻车制动系统执行机构总体设计要求 5

    2.5运动转化装置的分析 6

    2.6现有电子驻车制动的放大传动机构 6

    2.7放大器的结构 8

    2.8本章小结 9

    3.方案分析设计 9

    3.1设计内容及要求 9

    3.2设计分析 9

    3.3方案比较 11


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