    Abstract In today's society, industrial rhythm speeding up, so how to improve the efficiency of the production of products, the automation of machining has become a top priority. Pneumatic technology is a technology to realize the automation of, with simple, high transmission efficiency, good safety, small environmental pollution, pneumatic element structure is simple, is widely used in many fields. PLC control technology with high reliability, easy to learn and use, perfect function, low energy consumption, convenient maintenance and so on is to achieve ideal mechatronic control technology, has been widely used in the production process. Therefore, in order to improve the production efficiency of the drilling machine. In this paper, the design of the a gas dynamic drilling, aerodynamic technology is adopted to treat the workpiece feeding and clamping, drilling and cutting process, the control system uses the PLC control, so as to realize the automation of drilling process.
         The main content of the design for the gas dynamic design of the overall structure of the drilling machine, including feeding system, the design of feeding system, a clamping system, pneumatic system, and the design of PLC control system design, key for drilling spindle feed system design, pneumatic cylinder design and PLC program design. Action of the spindle machine mainly for axial motion and feed motion, PLC control system design mainly through the program is designed to control the pneumatic circuit action to achieve drilling machine automatic processing.
    【Keywords】: Drilling, Cylinders, Pneumatic control, PLC
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题概述    1
    1.2 研究意义    1
    1.3  研究内容    2
    2  结构设计    3
    2.1  设计要求    3
    2.2  工艺路线的确定    3
    2.3  整体结构设计    3
    2.4  进给系统设计    5
    2.4.1  进给系统结构设计    5
    2.4.2  工况分析    6
    2.4.3  切削力的计算    6
    2.4.4  钻床主轴设计    7
    2.5  送料系统设计    10
    2.6  夹紧系统设计    10
    2.7  传动系统设计    10
    3  气动系统设计    12
    3.1  气动系统概述    12
    3.2  气动系统图设计    13
    3.3 负载分析    14
    3.3.1 钻削缸负载分析    14
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