    【摘要】 现如今机械制造技术飞速发展,金属切削向高速切削和强力切削方向发展,生产过程中出现振动的可能性增加,切削过程中更易于产生振动,如何解决机械加工振动的控制问题变得更为迫切。本文对车削铝棒时刀具的三向振动情况进行研究,设计了三种试验方案:(1)改变车削深度;(2)改变主轴转速;(3)改变进给速度三种方法,通过利用QLVC-ZSA1型动态信号分析仪研究车削铝棒时刀具三向振动的频域特性。研究表明:(1)当车削深度改变时,三者自功率谱密度值曲线较为平稳,且在z方向自功率谱密度值最大,y方向次之,x方向最小。车削深度对刀具三向振动影响不明显;(2)不同进给速度下,x、y,z三个方向的自功率谱值随进给速度的增大而增大,车削的进给速度增加,刀具振动能量增加,刀具与工件的振动变得更为剧烈;(3)在试验测试的三种不同的主轴转速下,转速为700r/min时刀具的三向振动均最为强烈。28021
    Test Design of Testing Tool Three-vibration for Turning Aluminum Rod
    【Abstract】Now machinery manufacturing technology rapid development, metal cutting to the development of high-speed cutting and powerful cutting direction, in the production process appear increase the possibility of vibration, cutting process more prone to vibration, how to solve the machining vibration control problem has become more urgent. This paper on turning aluminum rod tool of three to the vibration research, design the three kinds of test programs: (1) change the depth of the turning; (2) to change the spindle speed; (3) to change the feed rate of the three methods, through the use QLVC-ZSA1 type dynamic signal analyzer of turning aluminum rod tool to the frequency domain characteristics of the vibration. The research shows that: (1) when the turning depth is changed, the power spectral density of the three is relatively stable, and the X direction is the largest in the Z direction, and the Y direction is the smallest.. Turning depth of tools to the vibration effect is not obvious; (2) different feed speeds, x, y, Z three directions of power spectrum value increases with the increase of feed speed, turning feedrate is increased, an increase in the energy of the vibrating tool, the vibration of the tool and the workpiece become more violent; (3) in the test of three different spindle speed, speed 700r/min tool of three direction vibration are the most strongly. Now machinery manufacturing technology rapid development, metal cutting to the development of high-speed cutting and powerful cutting direction, in the production process appear increase the possibility of vibration, cutting process more prone to vibration, how to solve the machining vibration control problem has become more urgent. This paper on turning aluminum rod tool of three to the vibration research, design the three kinds of test programs: (1) change the depth of the turning; (2) to change the spindle speed; (3) to change the feed rate of the three methods, through the use QLVC-ZSA1 type dynamic signal analyzer of turning aluminum rod tool to the frequency domain characteristics of the vibration. The research shows that: (1) when the turning depth is changed, the power spectral density of the three is relatively stable, and the X direction is the largest in the Z direction, and the Y direction is the smallest.. Turning depth of tools to the vibration effect is not obvious; (2) different feed speeds, x, y, z three directions of power spectrum value increases with the increase of feed speed, turning feedrate is increased, an increase in the energy of the vibrating tool, the vibration of the tool and the workpiece become more violent; (3) in the test of three different spindle speed, speed 700r/min tool of three direction vibration are the most strongly.                        
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