    摘要: 近年来,汽车的座椅愈发的追求舒适性和安全性,一家人都会开车的情况也屡见不鲜,因此,每次上车对于座椅位置的前后调节也就变成了一件日常的事。然而,调节座椅前后的润滑槽如果加油不匀,导致部分点位缺油或溢油,就可能会使得调节座椅时出现卡住或打滑的情况,因此,如何更好的保证滑槽加油量的可靠性就成为了一个需要被考虑的问题。27933
    毕业论文关键词: 定量油泵;分配器;气动元器件;气路和油路
    The design of a quantitative grease refueling device for the Car seat chute
    Abstract: In recent years, the car seats have been designed more comfortable and safe, on the other hand, more people can drive cars, and many family use one car. So the thing what we need to do nearly every day is to adjust the seats for different body size. However, if the refueling uneven, leading to some point short of oil or oil spill, it may make jam or slip occurs when adjusting the seat, therefore, how to better guarantee the chute refueling quantity Reliability has become an issue that needs to be considered.
    The invention relates to a car seat chute fixed-point quantitative filling device, workbench among the above installation tooling support, tooling bracket above is equipped with guide plate, tooling bracket clamp plate connected by pin shaft at one end, under the pressure plate with fixed in tooling bracket, lateral pressure cylinder pressure of the cylinder pressure cylinder plunger contact with pressure plate connection, tooling stent on either side of the table above installation cylinder, cylinder cylinder plunger fixed connection oil distribution, oil distribution article connects to several fixed point on one side of the tooling support nozzle, on the other side through a number of root oil pipeline connection grease oil supply device. This design will were compared with a variety of designs to show advantages of this design. The present invention solves the quantitative can't control the problem caused by manual operation grease, ensure the car seat frame sit on both sides of the basin under symmetrical chute groove filling grease fixed-point quantitative reliability. A high degree of automation, convenient operation, reliable operation, the device structure is simple, easy to maintain. Meet the national standard testing requirements.
    Key words: Quantitative pump; Dispenser; Pneumatic components; Gas and oil path
    1.课题研究意义及问题分析    5
    1.1文献综述    5
    1.1.1 课题的研究背景    5
    1.1.2  研究意义    5
    1.1.3  国内发展情况    6
    1.1.4  设计的技术背景    6
    1.2问题分析    7
    1.2.1汽车座椅滑槽润滑脂定量加油装置的总体设计方案选择    7
    1.2.2选择设计方案的优缺点比较    7
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