    摘要:滚弯成形是一种常见的板材加工方法。单一道次的滚弯仅能成形表面简单的工件,对大型半椭圆形工件,单道滚弯不易加工,需选择多道次渐进滚弯加工的方法。先对工件的半椭圆形截面进行离散化,把工件型面的几何信息转化为一组单一道次的滚弯参数,通过对每一道次板材的进给量和上滚轮下压位移值的控制,渐进加工较高精度的工件。此工艺对成形起重机的吊臂、桥梁臂、压力管道、泵车伸缩折叠臂、船体外板等大尺寸、中小批量的新产品非常合适,能够大大减少产品研发时间、节约生产费用。 本设计主要对U型臂的滚弯成型进行研究,先对U型臂的工艺进行分析,选择对称式三辊卷板机进行滚弯成型,对对称式三辊卷板机进行滚弯成型理论进行阐述和理论分析,对然后对U型臂的成型特征提出几何规划并制定工艺规划图,完成整个U型臂滚弯工艺的设计。27702
    Optimization design of three roll bending forming process of U type arm
    ABSTRACT:Roll Forming is a common sheet metal processing methods. Single pass roll forming curved surfaces only a simple piece of large semi-elliptical piece, single-channel roll bending process is not easy, you need to select the method of multi-pass progressive roll bending processing. First half-elliptical cross-section of the workpiece is discretized, the molding surface of the workpiece geometry is converted to a set of single pass rolling bending parameters, each pass through the feed amount of the sheet material and the roller under the pressure of the displacement value control progressive machining high precision parts. The process of forming a crane jib, bridge arm, pressure piping, pump retractable folding arm, hull plates and other large, medium and small quantities of the new product is very suitable, can significantly reduce product development time and reduce production costs.The design of the main U-shaped bend of the roll forming research arm, the first arm of the U-shaped craft to analyze, select symmetric three roller coiling machine rolling and bending forming symmetric three roller coiling were forming roll bending theory elaborate and theoretical analysis, and then forming a U-shaped arm raised features geometric planning process and develop plans to complete the entire U-arm roll bending process design.
    Keywords: Roll bending molding; Three roller coiling machine; Geometric programming; Process planning;
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
      1.1引言    1
      1.2辊式卷板机简介    1
      1.3对称式三辊卷板机工艺研究现状    3
    2  U型臂零件的工艺分析    5
      2.1 U型类零件的滚弯原理    5
      2.2 U型类零件的滚弯方案选择    6
      2.3预弯方案的选择    6
      2.4对中    7
      2.5对称式卷板机参数的选择    7
      2.6预弯理论剩余直边值的计算    8
      2.7终弯上辊轴的位置    9
    3  滚弯成型的理论分析    10
      3.1塑性弯曲    10
      3.2塑性弯曲时的应力应变状态    12
        3.2.1 应变状态    12
        3.2.2 应力状态    12
        3.2.3 宽板塑性弯曲时三个主应力的分布性质    13
        3.2.4 塑性弯曲中现象的复杂性    15
    3.3滚弯加工过程阶段分析    16
    3.4回弹的计算    17
    4  U型臂的几何规划与滚压工艺设计    19
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