    毕业论文关键词  服务机器人  行走功能  控制系统  硬件设计  软件设计  试验与分析
    Title Design of Walking Control System for  Tour Guide Robot                 
    In recent years,In recent years, with the rapid development of automation technology and computer technology, intelligent service robot technology also entered the new stage, the service robot has gradually entered the various fields of our daily life. On the one hand, with the aging of the countries, the demand for social security and service is more urgent, the majority of the intelligent service robot emerged. On the other hand, all repeating the monotonous, heavy and dangerous operation needs large more cheap labor, from a long-term point of view, service robots will gradually take the place of humans engaged in the industry.
    This paper takes the control system of the walking function of tour guide robot as the research object, and explains the research and design process concretely.Mainly includes: the robot's overall design of the mechanical structure, focusing on the design of the chassis structure; robot control system hardware design are introduced in detail. The movement of the chassis control systems and equipment selection and design; control system software design, detailed illustrates the walking function of the control program, and related software; through the robot system debugging, and the test and analysis, finally realizes the man-machine communication, remote control walking, autonomous tracking and obstacle avoidance and other functions to the tour guide robot.
    Keywords  Service robot  Walking function  Control system  Hardware design  Software design  Experiment and analysis
     目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  课题背景1
    1.2  智能服务机器人研究现状1
    1.3  课题的主要内容5
    2  机器人的结构设计与分析7
    2.1  机器人的结构设计方案7
    2.2  底盘的结构设计方案9
    3  机器人控制系统的硬件设计13
    3.1  控制系统的硬件设计方案13
    3.2  底盘控制系统的硬件设计15
    3.3  总线与电源的设计19
    4  机器人控制系统的软件设计24
    4.1  控制系统的软件设计方案24
    4.2  底盘控制系统的软件设计25
    4.3  主机软件设计28
    4.4  通讯协议29
    5  系统联调与试验分析30
    结论 32
    致谢 33
    附录A  底盘控制板电路图35
    附录B  电机控制程序36
    附录C  机器人常用运动函数程序39
    附录D  自主循迹程序40
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