    关键词  企业物流   生产物流系统  平衡记分卡  绩效评价  
    Title    Research on the Planning and Rationalization of   Logistics System               
    In recent years, the rapid development of science and technology to promote enterprise logistics management has undergone tremendous development and change, resulting in a large number of new management concepts and methods.
    Production enterprises, especially large-scale manufacturing production process is quite complex, there are complex and sophisticated production planning production orders, so companies with logistics and information flow synchronization flow; in order to improve product competitiveness, companies continue to reduce production costs and continuously reduce logistics costs become the goal, so closely linked to business logistics and business marketing, finance.
    Production logistics is an important part of the logistics enterprises, the production logistics system of manufacturing enterprises are analyzed and evaluated, from the four angles of the modern enterprise logistics: financial, customer, internal business processes and learning and growth in four aspects, using the balance record card method on a manufacturing enterprise to establish a set of enterprise logistics performance evaluation method, so it can to a quantitative index to show the level of logistics management. Finally, we again through optimization of the system to continue to improve the management level of enterprise logistics and makes enterprise logistics system to continue to improve in the right way.
    Keywords  Enterprise logistics  Production logistics system  Balanced Scorecard  Performance Evaluation
    1.1  背景分析    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  本文研究技术路线与框架    2
    1.3.1  技术路线    2
    1.3.2  研究内容与章节安排    2
    1.4  本章小结    3
    2.1  物流系统的概念    4
    2.1.1  物流与物流系统的定义    4
    2.1.2  物流系统的功能    4
    2.2  物流系统合理化及意义    5
    2.3  企业物流绩效评价研究现状    5
    2.4  生产企业物流管理发展现状    6
    2.5  本章小结    7
    3.1  平衡记分卡研究视角    8
    3.2  平衡记分卡的基本特征及优势    8
    3.2.1  平衡记分卡的基本特征    8
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