    本仿真程序应用的是逐点比较的插补算法。逐点比较法包括两种情况:直线插补和圆弧插补,其中圆弧插补还包括了顺时插补和逆时插补。 仿真程序可以实现指令的识别和执行如G92、G00、G01、G02、G03、M02、M03、M05、M06、M30等等,在应用时只要将事先编译好的NC程序输入到系统中,即可以实现加工过程的模拟仿真。
    关键词  计算机  数控仿真  插补  
    Title   simulation software design of nc system                     
    Computer numerical control is the application of computer simulation technology of nc machining process simulation of a new technology,it is an effective method that can reduce the possibility of risk , shorten the design and manufacturing cycle and save investment. The computer simulation is with the aid
    of computer, use system model to simulate the actual system process of experimental research. With the rapid development of computer technology, it has more and more important status in the simulation.
    Nc machining simulation uses computer to simulate the actual machining process, the simulation software interface to achieve the design to the task, by using the software,we can know the work condition of shaft and the coordinates of the control of the cooling fluid.
    This is the application of simulation program pulse interpolation algorithm. This is the application of simulation program with point-bu-point comparison interpolation algorithm. Point by point comparison method includes two cases: linear interpolation and circular interpolation, arc interpolation also include the chronological interpolation and inverse interpolation. The simulation program can realize discrimination and execute instructions such as G92、G00、G01、G02、G03、M02、M03、M05、M06、M30 and so on. As long as applied the input program according to the requirements of this application, we can quickly achieve the machining process simulation that we required.
    Keywords  computer  NC simulation  interpolation   
    目   录
    1    引言(或绪论)  1
    1.1  研究对象  1
    1.2  研究背景  1
    1.3  课题研究意义  3
    2    算法及原理  3
    2.1  直线插补模块  3
    2.2  圆弧插补模块  8
    2.3  时钟控制模块  18
    2.4  读指令模块  21
    3    程序设计  38
    3.1  软件简介  38
    3.2  主界面简介  39
    4    应用实例  43
    4.1  车削加工实例  43
    4.2  铣削加工实例  44
    结论   47
    致谢   48
    参考文献   49
    附录A   50
    附录B   65
    1  引言(或绪论)
    数控(Numerical Control,NC)是数字控制的简称,是利用数字化信息来实现自动控制的方法[1]。计算机数控仿真是利用计算机技术对数控加工操作过程进行模拟仿真的一门新技术。这项技术使得我们无需通过实际的机床操作,就可以将加工的过程以动态的方式高度还原出来,使学生感性地认识数控加工,可以在仿真程序中进行数控加工的操作,有效解决了数控机床操作的危险性和设备昂贵无法做到 “一人一机”的问题,在教育全面熟练操作数控加工技术方面发挥至关重要的作用[2]。
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