    本文主要研究Thomas E.Harkins和David J.Hepner提出的“MAGSNODE”旋转弹体姿态角测量方法。首先采用matlab建立了该测量方法的数学模型,在此基础上仿真分析了各种误差源对角度测量结果的影响,并以该方法作为理论依据引入了实际的载体坐标系,进行了旋转载体俯仰角测量方法的仿真研究。最后,构建了基于磁通门传感器的实验系验证统,在无磁转台上进行了半实物仿真,验证了方法的可行性。
    Title  Study of rotational attitude angle  based on geomagnetism detection technology                                           
    Acquisition varieties of projectile flight attitude parameters has an important signification no matter for projectile design,projectile aerodynamics or fuze design.Accurate measurement of angular motion of spinning bodies with onboard sensors has long been recognized as a daunting task.Recent advances in magnetic sensor technologies have yielded devices small enough,rugged enough,and sensitive enough to be useful in system that make high-speed,high-resolution measurements.
    This paper mainly studies the measurement method,called a “MAGSONDE”.It is designed at first by Thomas E.Harkins and David J.Hepner.First, the mathematical model of the method is given by the matlab.The error sources of measurement method are analyzed,and with this method as the theoretical basis for actual carrier of the coordinate system is introduced, the simulation research of rotating carrier pitching angle measurement method.The last the feasibility of the system is verified by the experiment system based on fluxgate sensor.
    Keywords:geomagnetic exploration,attitude angle measurement,rotaing carrier ,MAGSNODE,zero crossing point
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究概述    1
    1.3 本文的研究内容    3
    2 零交叉测量方法    5
    2.1 引言    5
    2.2坐标系的建立与磁传感器输出    5
    2.3零交叉测量方法原理    7
    2.4 基于matlab软件的仿真    9
    2.4.1 单值仿真    9
    2.4.2 连续变化的磁方位角仿真    10
    2.5 本章小结    11
    3 影响因素研究    12
    3.1 噪声与滤波器    12
    3.1.1 噪声    12
    3.1.2 滤波器的设计    12
    3.1.3 滤波前后对照    13
    3.1.4 不同信噪比下的零交叉测量方法    15
    3.2 零位误差    18
    3.2.1 以传感器S1(90°)统计时间    19
    3.2.2 以传感器S2(60°)统计时间    21
    3.3 标度因数误差    21
    3.4 安装误差    23
    3.5 本章小结    26
    4 零交叉测量方法的实际应用    27
    4.1 地磁矢量与各坐标系之间的关系    27
    4.2 磁传感器的安装方式    29
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