    关键词  固体火箭发动机  小推力  中止燃烧  试验台架
    Title  Design of terminated combustion test bench for small-thrust   solid rocket motor                                                  
    The time is extremely short in the testing process of solid rocket motor. The fuel combustion process of solid rocket motor can be pretty complicated and can not controllable. The changes of the various parameters is very fast, basically have no a relatively stable stage. Response to this situation, this project is designed for erosion combustion experiments of small solid rocket motor thrust pressure experiment test-bed and designed for solid rocket motor to terminate the combustion, which is also used in the experiment. Based on the experimental engine, we need design quick pressure relief programs to terminate solid rocket engine combustion process. Erosion combustion experiment was carried out taking advantage of terminate engine, which has the very big advantage in the technical, economic, and the motor performance. On the basis of referencing the previous rocket engine terminated combustion test rig to analyze the system structure, and considering the actual needs of the laboratory to design systems and components.
    Keywords  Solid Rocket Motor  Small-thrust  Terminated Combustion   Test Bench
    1  绪论    4
    1.1 研究背景及意义    4
    1.2 国内外发展状况    5
    1.3 任务及要求    9
    1.4 主要研究内容    9
    2 火箭发动机中止燃烧实验台架设计    11
    2.1 中止燃烧试验台架的基本要求    11
    2.2 中止燃烧试验台架的结构形式    11
    2.2.1立式试验台    11
    2.2.2 卧式试验台    11
    2.3 中止燃烧试验台架零件的设计    12
    2.3.1 一体化平台    12
    2.3.2 推力测量组件    13
    2.3.3 底梁    15
    2.3.4 簧片底梁连接件    16
    2.3.5 弹簧板右组件    16
    2.3.6 弹簧板左组件    18
    2.3.7 前弹簧板    18
    2.3.8 传力组件    19
    2.3.9 中心架    20
    2.3.10 试验台总装配图    23
    3 试验用中止发动机设计    24
    3.1 中止燃烧试验发动机概述    24
    3.1.1 燃烧中止发动机的原理    24
    3.1.2 试验发动机的基本要求    24
    3.1.3 试验发动机结构形式    24
    3.2 中止发动机的总体设计    26
    3.2.1 燃烧室的设计    26
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