        本设计中换刀机器人由水平移动系统、垂直升降系统和末端操作器三部分组成。 根据设计要求,确定换刀机器人采用交流伺服电机驱动,水平及垂直方向导向机构采用滚动直线导轨,纵向移动系统采用齿轮齿条传动,横向移动系统和垂直升降系统采用滚珠丝杠螺母副传动,末端操作器选用谐波减速器传动减速,通过弹簧力来推动杠杆夹紧刀具,通过电磁铁来控制手爪的开合。
    关键词  换刀机器人 水平移动系统 交流伺服电机 齿轮齿条 滚珠丝杠
    Title     The mechanical design of tool change robot Design of the horizontal movement system                                               
    Automatic tool changer is an important part of machining center.Through ATC,we can reduce non-cutting time,increase productivity,reduce production cost,so as to enhance the productivity of the machine and the whole production line.
    In this design, the tool change robot is composed of three parts, horizontal movement system,vertical lifting system and robotic arm.According to the design requirements,we determine the tool change robot is driven by AC servo motor, horizontal and vertical direction guiding mechanism adopts linear rolling guide,the longitudinal moving system adopts rack and pinion drive, ball screw nut transmission pair is used for lateral movement system and the vertical lifting system,the robotic arm transfer movement by harmonic reducer , push lever clamping tool through the spring force and control the gripper opening and closing through the electromagnet.
    This paper mainly is the horizontal movement system design of the tool robot .According to the design requirements,the lateral driving system adopts 110MB075B-001000 type of AC servo motor,the longitudinal driving system adopts 130MB150A-701000 type of AC servo motor,the lateral drive system adopts FFZD3210-3 type of ball screw.
    Keywords tool change robot horizontal movement system AC servo motor
              Rack and pinion ball screw
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  自动换刀装置的概念    1
    1.2  自动换刀装置的发展历史和现状    1
    1.3  自动换刀装置的发展趋势    2
    1.4  课题研究的意义    3
    2  自动换刀机器人总体设计    4
    2.1  总体技术要求    4
    2.2  换刀机器人的组成结构    4
    2.3  换刀机器人的要求和功能    5
    2.4  换刀机器人的总体设计方案    5
    2.5  换刀机器人的机械系统设计    6
    3  伺服系统设计    6
    3.1  纵向伺服电机的选取    6
    3.2  横向伺服电机的选取    9
    4  传动系统的设计    12
    4.1  纵向传动系统的设计    12
    4.2  横向传动系统的设计    15
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