    摘  要:在汽车的行驶方面,它的制动系统会对汽车的安全可靠造成很大影响。由于道路的不断提速,车辆速度不断增大还有在路上车流量的逐步增长,汽车的制动系统对于汽车的安全性与可靠性有着极大的作用。汽车要是想要更好的变现出它优良的动力性能,就必须要保证它要有好的制动性能和可靠的制动系的工作。25729
    关键词   盘式制动器;制动系统;同步系数
    Title   Design of the braking system of disk brakes      
    Automotive vehicle brake system directly affects the driving safety and parking reliability. With the rapid development of highway and the increased speed limit as well as the increasing traffic density, in order to ensure driving and parking safety, the reliability of automotive brake systems has become increasingly important. Only excellent reliable car braking system can fully play its role of adjusting the car’s dynamic performance.
        Disc brake, also known as dish brakes, it brakes and ventilates fast and is also light weight. Its simple structure, easy clearance adjustment, outstanding performance at high temperature with heavy load, better working stability enables it to stop the car quicker than traditional drum brakes at winter and bad road conditions.
    The function and design requirement of the vehicle brake system, analysis of the construction scheme, distribution of braking torque, selection of the main components as well as the main coefficient calculation of the system, are all concluded in this paper. Based on the primary principle of brake designing, taking the efficiency, stability, and easy clearance adjustment as well as the size, quality and noise making into consideration, this paper covers many aspects while designing.
    Keywords  disc brake, brake system, synchronization coefficient
    目   录
    1 引言    1
    2  制动器的结构形式及选择    4
    2.1  盘式制动器的结构形式及选择    4
    2.1.1  固定钳式盘式制动器    4
    2.1.2  浮动钳式盘式制动器    5
    2.2  制动盘的分类及选择    5
    2.3  盘式制动器的结构与工作原理    6
    3  制动器的主要参数及其选择    7
    3.1  制动力与制动力分配系数    7
    3.2  同步附着系数    12
    3.3  制动强度和附着系数利用率计算    13
    3.4  制动器最大制动力矩    14
    3.5  利用附着系数与制动效率    15
    3.6  制动器因数    17
    3.7  制动器基本参数和摩擦系数的设计    17
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