


    毕业论文关键字:制动系统  盘式制动器  鼓式制动器  液压回路  


    TitleThe design of a car brake system and its major components

    Abstract With the development of manufacturing, automobile industry become prosperity, while saloon car as an important component part of automobile, its progress in the performance indicators be widespread concern. The safety of the car depends directly on the quality of braking system performance. To this end, developing a high-performance brake system, with a wide and profound significance.

    This is the car braking system design specification, which will detail the vehicle braking system design flow and parameter checking process. First, according to the development of braking systems, drum and disc brakes on the structure introduced by the line and comparative analysis, and the braking system consists of programs screened by the line. Eventually selected according Qianpanhougu brake vacuum servo-driven hydraulic dual-circuit braking system. Second, according to the model provided data, the braking force distribution, and the parameter checking. Brake and then design the detailed parameters of the hydraulic drive mechanism. Finally the results of the design of the braking performance. 

    Keywords:Brake System  Disc brakes  Drum brakes  Hydraulic circuit

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  关于汽车制动方面研究的意义 1

    1.2  国内外国内外发展及研究现状 1

    1.3  制动系统设计的一般步骤 3

    1.4  本次设计的流程图 4

    2  制动系统方案选择和分析 5

    2.1  制动器方案分析 5

    2.2  制动驱动结构的选择 10

    2.3  制动管路的回路选择 12

    2.4  液压制动主缸设计方案选取 14

    3  制动系统的设计计算 15

    3.1  制动器的主要参数计算 15

    3.2  制动器的有关计算 16

    3.3  制动器因素和制动蹄因素 22

    3.4  制动器主要零部件的结构设计 23

    4 制动器液压驱动机构设计计算 27

    4.1 制动缸直径的计算 27

    4.2 液压缸的工作容积计算

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