    摘要研究发射药着火过程对揭示膛内弹丸运动初期的物理本质具有重要意义,其着火特征对于之后的内弹道过程有着显著的影响,因此发射药着火过程的研究对于内弹道设计工作者是非常有必要的。再加上随着新型点火方式的提出,例如激光点火,等离子体点火等等,对发射药着火的研究变得更加重要。本文的工作主要是针对发射药的传热方式,建立发射药的一文传热模型及定解条件,将数学物理方程离散为差分方程,并进行编程计算,得到发射药的温度分布。在此基础上,利用该程序进行参数分析,讨论热物性参数及化学反应特征量等参数变化对发射药着火过程的影响。在讨论各参数的时候,重点针对了参数对于发射药着火延迟时间,温升速率等数值的影响,具有较强的实际意义。 25155
    毕业论文关键词  发射药  着火  数学模型   数值分析
    Title    Propellant ignition model and numerical analysis 
    Propellant ignition process is important in revealing the physical nature of the
    initial bore projectile motion, which features of the interior ballistics fire
    after the process has a significant impact, the study of propellant ignition
    process design for the interior ballistic workers is necessary . Coupled with the
    introduction of new methods of ignition, such as a laser ignition, plasma ignition,
    etc., the study of propellant burning becomes more important. Working paper is
    propellant for heat transfer, the establishment of a one-dimensional propellant
    transfer model and boundary conditions, the equations of mathematical physics
    discrete differential equations, and program calculation, the propellant
    temperature distribution. On this basis, the use of this program for parametric
    analysis on the impact of thermal parameters and characteristics of the chemical
    reaction parameters such as changes in the propellant ignition process. In
    discussing the parameters of time, focusing on the parameters for propellant
    ignition delay time, the impact of temperature rise rate and other values, with
    a strong practical significance. 
    Keywords    Propellant ignition  Mathematical model  Numerical Analysis
    目   录 
    1  引言1
    1.1 背景及意义1
    1.2 国内外研究现状  1
    2 着火模型推导及计算6
    2.1  热点火模型及理论研究 6
    2.2  点火方程的差分解法 7
    2.3 计算结果分析 9
    3   热物性参量与化学反应特征量的的影响   17
    3.1  火药导热系数λ  18
    3.2  火药比热c21
    3.3  火药密度ρ23
    3.4  火药反应热与均相反应前指系数之积 QK24
    3.5  火药活化能26
    3.6  气体常数R28
    3.7  表面温度  30
    3.8  环境温度  31
    结论   31
    致谢   32
    1  引言
    1.1  背景及意义
    是 70年代以来,火炮及其弹药的发展经久不衰。我国幅员辽阔,在我国的防御体系中,火炮
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