    本文对基于PC+GE400SV运动控制卡构成的数控雕刻机系统从软件、硬件进行了比较详细的说明,介绍了本系统的硬件体系结构、数控系统软件的模块化设计以及在Windows XP环境下的开发过程。最后还对以上软件系统进行了一些实验验证,来检验软件是否达到设计要求,经过实际工程测试,基本达到了设计目标。24362
     Design of multi axis CNC engraving machine CNC system
    Abstract: engraving machine CNC system of The open-architecture numerical control system appeared in 1990’s is a kind of advanced structure with excellent, extension, convenient, maintenance, good stability in operating and flexibly adaptability to different requirement. It is the future trends of numerical control technology. With the rapid development of technologies of the computer, it becomes more and more necessary to develop the modern CNC system cheaply and quickly with these advanced technologies.
         The system is one PC-DSP principal and subordinate frame. PC means one general personal computer. DSP implies on GE 400 SV multi axis motion controller made by Googol Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.
         This open-architecture numerical control system of the PC+GE400SV-based motion controller has discussed from software and hardware in detail in dissertation. The system structure, modular design of numerical control system software and development process of Windows XP-based condition upper  human-machine interface of the system have been introduced. Finally, the author has been done some test.
    Key words: carving machine numerical control system; GE400SV; motion control system ;Code compilation
    目  录
    第一章:绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景及其意义    1
    1.2 数控雕刻机综述    1
    1.2.1 数控雕刻机系统的组成    1
    1.2.2数控雕刻机的基本要求    2
    1.2.3数控雕刻机的系统结构    3
    1.3 雕刻机数控系统的发展及其应用    4
    1.4论文设计内容    5
    第二章 雕刻机数控系统的硬件系统    6
    2.1雕刻机数控系统的硬件功能    6
    2.1.1 本设计系统的硬件结构    6
    2.1.2电机控制系统的基本组成    8
    2.2 运动控制卡与PC的通讯模块    9
    第三章 雕刻机数控系统软件的设计    11
    3.1  雕刻机数控系统软件的功能设计    11
    3.1.1  雕刻机数控系统的功能概述    11
    3.2 基于VB的人机交互模块设计    13
    3.2.1  人机交互模块开发环境    13
    3.2.2  交互模块开发流程    14
    3.2.3  交互模块实现的功能    16
    3.3    上位机控制程序模块    18
    3.3.1  上位机控制程序模块开发环境    18
    3.3.2    上位机控制程序模块的编写    18
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