



    Abstract With the extensive CNC machine tool applications, the number of CNC machine simulation software is growing, but the software for NC machining process simulation system is small .The function VERIC -UT present in this is the most perfect. VERICUT applied to NC teaching can greatly help students understanding NC machining processing. 

    This paper used simulation software VERICUT to develop virtual simulation system by virtual machine modeling. First, this study introduced virtual CNC machining simulation technology, simulation software VERICUT and the process of building a CNC simulation platform for VERICUT. According to principles and characteristics of system design, then determine the overall design. And then, in the process of detailed design, through VERICUT to build a virtual machine, to complete the definition of the control system and related subroutine. Finally, conduct the tool path simulation processing by the application of VERICUT's virtual simulation processing system, and check the collision and interference in the product processing, subsequently modify the NC program to achieve the purpose of improving the optimization of the NC program.

    Keywords: NC machining; Virtual machine; Simulation processing; Tool path simulation; Subroutine

    目 录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1虚拟机床简介 1

    1.2 课题的研究现状与发展趋势 1

      1.2.1国外研究的现状 1

      1.2.2国内研究的现状 2

      1.2.3目前存在的问题 2

      1.2.4发展趋势 2

    1.3课题研究的内容和实用价值 3

    1.4本章小结 3

    第二章  PowerTec6500 AG-S2仿真总体方案设计 4

    2.1虚拟加工仿真系统的关键技术 4

      2.1.1 VERICUT软件介绍 4

      2.1.2 VERICUT虚拟机床的仿真步骤 4

    2.2零件加工仿真系统方案设计 5

      2.2.1系统的总体结构 5

      2.2.2系统的主要功能模块 6

    2.3 本章小结 6

    第三章  VERICUT数控加工系统设计 7

    3.1 VERICUT加工仿真系统设计流程 7

    3.2 VERICUT构建仿真加工工艺系统

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