    毕业论文关键词: 注塑模;ABS塑料;滑动抽出系统
    Inject mold Design of AI high-temperature version of the display components
    Abstract: This design is for a given material for ABS medium size, the general accuracy of the
    AI high-temperature version of the display components for mold design. In consideration of the economy, parts of the molding technology and complexity, and many other factors in the molding process on the basis of the analysis and calculation. It also of injection mold shaping parts, and other related parts to illustrate the selection principle and selection method. During to refer to a lot of useful information related to injection mold and leaf through all kinds of manual, And through the calculation to determine the mold structure and size, Through continuous calculation and modification, And in guiding the teacher's careful care under the guidance and patience to constantly modify again and again, Finally sure to draw the assembly drawing and part drawing.Make sure the design of the AI high-temperature version of the display components, namely the mold with one module and two cavities sliding extraction system design scheme. Then focuses on the solution, this paper mainly includes the sliding extraction system of plastic parts and injection mold design process, key points of injection mold design of main components.
    Key words: Injection mold design; ABS plastic ; Sliding extraction system

    目  录
    1  前言1
    1.1  课题来源 1
    1.2  课题的研究目的 1
    2  塑件工艺性分析  3
    2.1  塑件造型3
    2.2  塑件工艺性分析4
    2.2.1  塑件设计要求4
    2.2.2  塑件结构分析4
    2.3  塑件原材料分析4
    2.3.1  ABS材料特性  4
    2.3.2  ABS塑料主要用途5
    2.3.3  塑料材料成型性能 5
    2.3.4  ABS成型温度条件6
    2.3.5  塑件的公差与表面质量  6
    3  拟定注塑模具结构 7
    3.1  分型面的确定7
    3.2  型腔数目的确定7
    3.3  拟选注射机型号8
    3.3.1  公称注射量  8
    3.3.2  工程注射质量8
    3.4  拟选注射机型号8
    3.4.1  塑件质量、体积的计算  8
    3.4.2  浇注系统凝料的初步计算 9
    3.5  注射机型号的选定  9
    3.6  注射机参数的校核  10
    3.6.1  由注射机料筒塑化速率校核型腔数量n 10
    3.6.2  按注射机的最大注射量校核型腔数量n 11
    3.6.3  最大注塑量的校核 11
     3.6.4  注塑压力的校核  11
    3.6.5  最大注射压力校核 12
    3.6.6  模具与注射机安装部份的校核  12
    3.6.7  开模行程校核13
    4  浇注系统的设计 14
    4.1  主流道的设计14
    4.2  分流道的设计15
    4.3  浇口的设计 15
    4.4  浇注系统的平衡  16
    5  推出机构设计 17
  1. 上一篇:五轴立式加工中心总体布局及主轴部件结构设计及CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:松下微波炉LCD显示窗塑料模具设计+CAD图纸
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