



    A series of automatic high speed printing machine printing plate roll processing technology design

    Abstract:This thesis mainly for a series of automatic high-speed printing and parts for processing technology design, the main contents include on printing machine printing and process analysis, formulate a reasonable process, and fixture design of the main process. The special fixture design for the printing roller on the dovetail groove and the hole diameter of 26.5.After the completion of the process analysis and printing machine printing roller for the main hole and dovetail groove for the design of CNC machining, the is UG software to the printing machine printing roller of NC program compiling and through post-processing to export the required procedures.

    Keywords:  Printing roller parts; UG; fixture design

    目  录

    1  前言 1

      1.1  选题背景 1

      1.2  瓦楞纸板印刷机 1

        1.2.1  全球瓦楞纸箱印刷成套设备的发展历程 1

        1.2.2  全球瓦楞纸箱成套设备行业竞争趋势 2

      1.3  国内瓦楞纸箱印刷设备的发展方向 2

    2  印刷辊零件的工艺分析 3

      2.1  零件的作用 3

      2.2  零件的特征分析 3

      2.3  零件的工艺分析 5

    3  高速印刷机印刷辊的工艺设计 7

      3.1  确定毛坯的制造形式 7

      3.2  基准面的选择 8

        3.2.1  粗基准的选择 8

        3.2.2  精基准的选择 9

      3.3  制定工艺路线 9

        3.3.1  轴套工艺路线方案 9

        3.3.2  轴颈工艺路线方案 10

        3.3.3  辊筒工艺路线方案 11

      3.4  整体的加工工艺路线 11

        3.4.1  轴颈轴的加工余量 12

        3.4.2  轴套的加工余量 14

        3.4.3  筒体的加工余量 14

      3.5  确定切削用量及基本工时 15

        3.5.1  车外圆及其两端面、钻中心孔 15

        3.5.2   深孔 16

        3.5.3  粗车外圆段φ70、φ90、φ75、φ95、φ115、φ180

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