    Five-axis vertical machining center spindle overall layout and structure design
    Abstract: Machining center evolved from the need to be able to perform a variety of operations and machining sequences on a workpiece on a single machine in one setup. Machining center requires little operator intervention, and once the machine has been set up, it will machine without stopping until the end of the program is reached. Some of the other advantages that machining centers give a manufacturing shop are greater machine uptime, increased productivity, maximum part accuracy, reduced scrap, less inspection time, lower tooling costs, less inventory and so on. Because of their many advantages, machining centers become widely accepted by manufacturing enterprises in the world.
    Machining centers are equipped with spindle units, rotary workbench, moving workbench, tool magazines and automatic tool changers, and other mechanical function components. Spindle unit is the important motion part of the metal cutting machine tool. Its movement behavior affects the machining accuracy and surface roughness of part to be machined. Through referring to a variety of technical literatures, the characteristics of some kinds of spindle units are compared with each other based on analysis and research work on different machining centers. A reasonable scheme can be studied out. Meanwhile, the mechanical behaviors of principle parts such as the spindle, bearings and lead screw are discussed. Their rigidity and strength are calculated and examined here. Moreover, a kind of advanced ceramic bearings is introduced into the spindle unit, which can effectively enhance the rigidity of spindle units. They will improve the reliability and stability of machining centers.
    Key words:spindle unit,machining center,NC machine tool
    目    录
    摘要  2
    Abstract  2
    0 引言  6
    1 概述  6
    1.1 加工中心的发展状况  6
    1.1.1 加工中心的国内外发展  6
    1.1.2 主轴部件的研究进展  7
    1.2 课题的目的及内容  8
    1.3 课题拟解决的关键问题  9
    1.4 解决上述问题的策略  9
    2 方案拟定  10
    2.1 加工中心主轴组件的组成  10
    2.2 机械系统方案的确定  10
    2.2.1 主轴传动机构  10
    2.2.2 主轴进给机构  11
    2.2.3 主轴准停机构  12
    2.2.4 刀具自动夹紧机构  13
    2.2.5 切屑清除机构  15
    2.3 伺服驱动系统方案的确定  15
    2.4 加工中心主轴组件总体设计方案的确定  17
    3 主轴组件的主运动部件  19
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