    Coating machine is also called the scraping gum machine. To mucilage besmear is on textiles on the surface of a mechanical equipment. Mainly include: (1) the horizontal coating machine or double-acting glue machine. Textiles by coating knife and slit between the work roll, coated with a layer of thin film, again by using steam heating platform, make the solvent evaporation and the remaining sub. (2) drum coating machine. There is a steam heating hollow metal drum drying machine instead. (3) vertical or tilting leaching pulp machine. Textiles after immersion mucilage, on the surface excess mucilage by knife and compaction roller away. Again after vertical or tilting make solvent evaporation and the rest of the rubber drying. (4) coating machine is through the pneumatic desktop will glue or paint coating to the material. Equipment used the three-axis linkage, automatic operation, equipped with computer programming control path spraying at the same time. Coating thickness and time can be set, simple easy to operate.
    An application of the coating machine instead of manual machine, also called in the industry automatic spraying machine, automatic glue machine, glue machine, etc.
    Key words: gumming ;automatic glue machine; Three-axis linkage
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    目录    3
    第一章绪论    6
    第二章自动涂胶工作台的课题简介    7
    2.1课题简介    7
    2.2、设计要求    7
    2.3课题的主要技术参数    7
    第三章自动涂胶工作台的方案拟定    9
    3.1自动涂胶工作台的总体布局    9
    3.1.1自动涂胶工作台的组成    9
    3.1.2自动涂胶工作台动作循环的方案拟定    9
    3.1.3总体布局    10
    3.2移动装置的方案拟定    10
    3.2.1产品转动的驱动方式    10
    3.2.2电机的选择    10
    3.2.3 电机的安装方式    13
    3.2.4工作台的结构设计    15
    3.2.5工作台的驱动方式    15
    3.2.6气缸的选择    15
    3.2.7工作台的导向    17
    3.3涂胶装置的方案拟定    17
    3.3.1涂胶头的结构设计    17
    3.3.2涂胶装置的运动方案    18
    3.3.3气缸的选择    19
    3.3.4点胶装置的示意图和气缸安装方式图    20
    3.4压实装置方案拟定    20
    第四章自动涂胶工作台的设计计算    24
    4.1移动装置电机的型号确定    24
    4.2移动装置轴承的计算和选择    24
    4.2.1计算轴向力    24
    4.2.2计算当量载荷    25
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