    毕业论文关键词: 自动 ;探测;气压;安装
     The design of X-type instrument panel assembly workbench
    Abstract:X-type instrument panel assembly workbench is a automation equipment composed of mechanical, electrical,barometric pressure and PLC technology.The equipment is made up of the fixture,slide mechanism,the workpiece mounting rack and detection agencies and other components.Through pneumatic drive and PLC  technology to realize products automatic positioning and clamping, products automatic t installation and detection. Operators just need to put the workpieces in the designated location, put a needle, which can complete automatic positioning, automatic feeding and automatic assembly inspect and other processes. In this article, the overall layout scheme of the X type dashboard assembly workbench is proposed, and the function and structure characteristics of main components are analyzed and stated one by one.Seven support columns to support the product and two positioning pins to position the product are used in the fixture.In the slide mechanism,the moving cylinder is used to drive this part,the liner slideway is used to guide and support the product fixture move to the specified location,the clamping cylinder in the workpiece mounting rack and detection agencies is used to clamp the product.The pressured cylinder and the detection sensors are used to install anddetect the product in the workpiece mounting rack and detection agencies.The paper studys out  a pneumatic system schematic diagram, and do some design calculations to choose those main components.
    Keywords: auto; detectors; pressure; installation
    1.绪论    1
     1.1汽车仪表概述    1
      1.1.1汽车仪表的发展现状    1
      1.1.2汽车仪表的使用条件    1
     1.2机械装配自动化概述    2
      1.2.1 装配自动化在现代制造业中的重要性    2
      1.2.2装配自动化的任务及应用范围    3
    2.X型仪表盘装配工作台的课题简介    5
     2.1课题简介    5
     2.2课题的设计要点    6
     2.3课题的主要技术参数    6
    3.X型仪表盘装配工作台的方案拟定    8
     3.1x型仪表盘装配工作台总体布局    8
      3.1.1 X型仪表盘装配工作台的组成    9
      3.1.2 X型仪表盘装配工作台动作循环    9
      3.1.3 x型仪表盘工作台的总体布局    9
     3.2产品工装的方案拟定    10
      3.2.1产品定位夹紧方式    10
      3.2.2压紧装置的方案    12
     3.3滑台机构的方案拟定    12
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