    关键词  碾压强化  纳米晶层  研磨旋转驱动装置  回转驱动
    Title    Surface of the metal pipe rolling test device  
    designed to strengthen
    This paper studies the rolling test equipment to strengthen a metal pipe surface material.Design of a main structure of the rotary drive mechanism through the large surface of the metal pipe to the torque generated enormous torque. So that the surface of the metal coffin superplastic deformation, So that the surface layer of nanocrystalline grain fine. Pressurizing means of the apparatus from the surface, the polishing surface of the rotary drive means, the data acquisition and data processing system, a hydraulic control system. In this body, we need to be able to select a big pressure on the pipe surface equipment. Rotary drive means for selecting the drive worm, because the worm drive with a larger transmission ratio, it is able to produce relatively large torque, noise it produces relatively small,iItself also has a self-locking performance, relatively safe.

    Keywords Rolling strengthening        device for grinding
         device for grinding         Rotary drive
    目  次    I
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景    1
    1.2    国内外金属管材表面碾压强化相关技术发展状况    2
    1.3    计算机辅助设计(CAD)在实验装置设计中的应用    2
    1.4    低速大扭矩液压马达在金属管材表面强化的应用    3
    2    金属管材表面碾压强化试验装置总体方案的设计    4
    2.1    引言    4
    2.2    金属管材表面碾压强化装置的运动方式与结构构成    4
    2.3    金属管材表面强化实验装置的方案设计    5
    2.4    金属管材碾压强化装置的工作原理    6
    2.5    本章小结    6
    3    金属管材表面碾压强化实验装置的结构功能设计    7
    3.1    引言    7
    3.2    液压驱动装置的功能设计    7
    3.3    表面研磨旋转驱动装置的设计    10
    3.4    表面加压装置的设计    14
    3.5    轴承,键的选型    15
    4    金属管材表面碾压强化结构实验装置的总体结构    17
    4.1    实验装置的装配图    17
    4.2  本章小结    18
    5    金属管材表面碾压强化装置的重要零件的强度分析    19
    5.1    引言    19
    5.2    轴的强度计算    19
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