    摘要:模具工业的发展,日益受到人们的重视和关注。“模具式工业生产的基础工艺装备”也已经取得了共识。在电子、汽车、电机、电器、仪器、仪表、家电和通信等产品中,60%~80%的部件都要依靠模具成型。本论文介绍的模具的设计过程,对各机构和系统进行了分析,除此之外还介绍了继电器盒的注塑模设计,包括:如何确定型芯、型腔的大小以及型腔数的确定、型腔的排列方式、分型面选择、侧向分型抽芯机构设计、浇口设计、推出和复位机构方式确定;塑件的体积和质量计算、塑件的工艺性分析及注射机参数的确定;模具加热和冷却系统计算;如何确定模具闭合高度等。设计过程中使用了AutoCAD, UG 等计算机辅助软件绘制了各主要零件图、制品图、以及大量结构设计图,大大缩短了设计的周期。21929
    The injection mold design of Relay box
    Abstract: Mold industry development increases people's attention and concern. "Die industrial production base technology and equipment" has also been achieved consensus. In electronics, automotive, electrical, electronics, instruments, meters, home appliances and other communications products, 60% to 80% of the parts must rely on molding. Mold design process described in this report, the various institutions and systems were analyzed, in addition to injection mold design introduced relay box, including: how to determine the core, the size of the cavity, and the cavity to determine the number, cavity arrangement, sub-surface selection, side parting pulling mechanism design, gate design, launch and reset mechanism manner determined; volume and quality of the plastic parts of the calculation, plastic injection process analysis and machine parameters OK; mold heating and cooling systems computing; how to determine the height of the mold is closed. Design process using AutoCAD, UG and other computer-aided software to draw a diagram of the major components, products, maps, and a large structure design, greatly reducing the design cycle.
    Key words: Relay box; Injection molding ; Plastic molding
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  简介    1
    1.1.1  模具生产的重要性    1
    1.1.2  我国塑料模具技术现状    1
    1.1.3  模具技术的发展趋势    2
    1.1.4  塑料件的设计要点    3
    1.1.5  课题研发背景及意义    3
    1.2  CAD、CAE、CAM技术在注塑模具设计过程中的应用    4
    材料的选择    6
    2.1  ABS物化性能    6
    2.1.1 ABS的性能特点    6
    2.2  ABS工艺性能    7
    2.3  ABS成型性能    7
    3  塑件结构及工艺性分析    8
    3.1  塑件结构分析    8
    3.2  塑件工艺性分析    9
    3.2.1塑件精度    9
    3.2.2塑件表面质量    9
    3.2.3塑件厚度    9
    3.2.4脱模斜度    10
    4  注塑成型设备    11
    4.1  注塑成型设备的参数计算    11
    4.1.1计算塑件的体积    11
    4.1.2计算塑件的质量    11
    4.1.3计算每次注射进入模具塑料总体积(总质量)    11
    4.2  注塑机的参数    11
    4.2.1注射压力校核    11
    4.2.2锁模力校核    12
    5    确定成型工艺参数    13
    5.1  温度    13
    5.2  压力    13
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