    毕业论文关键词: 管壳式换热器;浮头式换热器;结构与强度设计
    The design of the 80m3 condenser
    Heat exchanger is one of the most common process equipment in industrial production, is used for process equipment heat transfer material, the heat from the hot fluid is transferred to the cold fluid equipment. Through this kind of equipment materials can achieve the specified temperature to meet the process requirements. Floating head heat exchanger is the fixed tube plate heat exchanger in the thermal compensation of the defects of the heat exchanging equipment improvement.
    The tube bundle heat exchangers with floating freely telescopic, has nothing to do with the shell of the expansion, and thus does not produce thermal stress; and control can be drawn, convenient cleaning tube side and shell side; solid structure; reliability; adaptability; large capacity; can bear high working pressure, it will not because of differential expansion between tube bundle due to temperature stress, the floating head heat exchanger has advantages of convenient disassembly, easy to clean. Widely used in chemical industry. The main design content mainly includes selection of heat exchanger, the process calculation, structure and strength design, such as the heat distribution, baffle type, the opening reinforcement calculation and various parts of the materials selection of several parts.
    Keywords: shell and tube heat exchanger; heat exchangers; structure and strength design
    1 冷凝器概述    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 课题研究的意义    1
    1.3 本课题的研究内容    2
    2材料选择及初步计算    3
    2.1初始条件    3
    2.2筒体材料的选择    3
    2.3 换热管的选择及连接方式    3
    2.3.1 换热管的选择    3
    2.3.2 换热管的排列形式    4
    2.3.3 换热管与管板连接方式    5
    2.4  壳体直径计算    6
    3换热器结构设计    7
    3.1 壳体圆筒壁厚计算    7
    3.1.1 厚度计算    7
    3.1.2 压力试验时应力校核    8
    3.1.3 压力及应力计算    8
    3.2 前端管箱筒体的厚度计算(管箱短节的计算)    8
    3.2.1 厚度计算    9
    3.2.2 压力试验时应力校核    9
    3.2.3 压力及应力计算    10
    3.3 前端管箱封头计算    10
    3.3.1 厚度计算    11
    3.3.2 应力试验时应力校核    11
    3.3.3 压力计算    12
    3.4 后端管箱筒体计算    12
    3.4.1 厚度计算    12
    3.4.2 压力试验时应力校核    13
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