    摘要:分析地铁车辆的选型依据,以上海地铁九号线为实例来进行分析地铁车辆的选型,从理论联系实际来进行地铁车辆编组方案及牵引传动系统选型方面的分析及计算。本文研究首先从总体上综合考虑地铁车辆选型原则:通过借鉴和学习国内外地铁车辆技术条件,从外部条件(如运量、线路、供电制式等)和车辆本身具体问题(车型、车体材料、编组等)来进行探讨地铁车辆选型原则和方法;然后结合即将投入运营的上海地铁9号线进行分析。以上海9号线为例,作者通过查阅相关资料,讨论并分析了地铁车辆的供电制式与传动方式,并且在后面通过牵引计算,算出“4动2拖”与“3动3拖”的运行时分,并且通过进一步的计算,比较这两种编组方式旅行速度、起动加速能力、运行能耗、故障运行能力等的差异和不同车体材料的能耗,对上海地铁9号线车辆的选型方案进行具体分析,具有一定的参考价值。 21066
    毕业论文关键词:地铁车辆  编组  传动  选型
    Analysis of formation of Shanghai metro line nine and the traction drive selection
    Abstract: Based on the analysis of the subway vehicle selection, taking Shanghai metro line nine as an example to analyze the selection of metro vehicles, to practice from theoretical analysis and calculation of metro vehicle marshalling scheme and the traction drive system. This paper firstly considering the metro vehicle selection principle: through learning technology at home and abroad for metro vehicles, from the external conditions (such as volume, line, power supply system etc.) and the vehicle specific problems (models, the materials of the body, grouping) for discussion of metro vehicle selection principles and methods; and then combined with the the operation of Shanghai Metro Line 9 is analyzed. In Shanghai Metro Line 9 as an example, the author through the consult correlation data, discuss and analysis of the power supply system and transmission mode of metro vehicles, and through the traction calculation behind, calculate the "4 moving trailers 2" and "3 move 3 pull" the running time, and further calculation, the difference between these two groups travel speed, accelerating ability, energy consumption, operation ability and different materials of the body's energy consumption, make a concrete analysis of the selection 
    scheme for the vehicles of Shanghai Metro Line 9, which has a certain reference value.
    Key words: grouping transmission of metro vehicle
    第一章 绪论    6
    1.1研究背景    6
    1.1.1 国外城市轨道交通的的研究现状    6
    1.1.2 国内城市轨道交通的研究现状    7
    1.2  国内外地铁系统的车辆型式    8
    1.2.1  国外地铁    8
    1.2.2  国内地铁    9
    1.3  本次毕业设计的研究内容及预期目标    10
    第二章 地铁车辆概述    12
    2.1  地铁车辆的基本组成    12
    2.2  地铁车辆的主要技术参数    12
    2.2.1  地铁车辆性能参数    12
    2.2.2  地铁车辆的主要寸    13
    2.2.3  地铁车辆限界简介    14
    第三章 地铁车辆的选型    15
    3.1地铁车辆的选型条件及依据    15
    3.1.2  线路长度    15
    3.1.3  工程造价、运营能耗和环境景观影响    16
    3.1.4  车辆制造能力    16
    3.2  地铁车辆技术标准分析    17
    3.2.2  各类车型对客流的适应性    17
    3.2.3  列车编组与动拖比    18
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