

    毕业论文关键词  交通路锥自动分离机构  结构设计  刚强度校核  SolidWorks软件   


    Title    The Design of Automatic Traffic Cone Separating Mechanism                                            


    A traffic road cones automatic cart separating mechanism of early prototype using electromagnet as actuator, but it is short and a disadvantage of low reliability, aiming at this problem, design a kind of based on the crank rocker organization and USES the new type of ac servo motor as the actuator separation mechanism. First elaborated the traffic road cones automatic device of the research background and development course, current situation and development trend at home and abroad; And then introduces the traffic road cones automatic separation mechanism used in the design of relevant theories and SolidWorks software; The final detailed design traffic road cones automatic separation scheme, this paper expounds the road cones separation process, the transportation time and transportation in the process of dynamic analysis, and the structure of the main bearing parts just intensity. Completed the traffic road cones automatic separation of engineering drawing, attached at the back of the paper as attachment.

    Keywords  Automatic traffic cone sparating mechanism  Structure design Rigidity and strength checking  SolidWorks

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究历程、研究现状 2

    1.1.1  交通路锥介绍 2

    1.1.2  课题国外发展状况 2

    1.1.3 课题国内发展状况 4

    1.2 论文主要工作安排 5

    2 理论基础 7

    2.1  机械设计基础 7

    2.2 材料力学 8

    2.3 SolidWorks软件 8

    3 路锥自动分离机构简介 10

    3.1 主要用途 10

    3.2 改进前的路锥自动分离机构 10

    3.3 改进后的路锥自动分离机构 11

    3.4 路锥自动分离机构运动过程 11

    3.4.1 分离运动过程 11

    3.4.2 回收运动过程 12

    4 某路锥自动收放车路锥自动分离机构设计 13

    4.1 路锥自动分离机构设计要求 13

    4.2 路锥自动分离机构设计

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