    摘要: 随着工业自动化的不断发展,工业机器人被广泛应用生产的各个部门,如挖掘、喷漆、焊接、医疗等各个领域。由于工业机器人的出现,它替代了人们的繁重劳动,大大提高了劳动生产率,减轻了人们的劳动强度,此外,他能在高温、低温、深水、宇宙、放射性和其他有毒、污染环境下进行操作,日益体现它的优越性。21077
    毕业论文关键词: 五自由度;多关节;机器人
    Design of the Five Dof and Multi-joint Robot
    Abstract:With the continuous development of industrial automation, industrial robots have been widely used in industrial production of various sectors, such as mining, spraying, welding, medical and so on various fields. With the industrial robot appear, it replaced the people’s heavy constantly labor, greatly improving the productivity and reduce the labor intensity of the people, in addition, it can be in high temperature, low temperature, deep water, the universe, radioactive and other toxic, pollution environment conditions operation, increasingly reflects its superiority.
        The aim of this project is to conceive and design a kind of form and power smaller, suitable for in the production line in a program specified action to demand the assembling accuracy of complete circuit board assembly of small industrial robots plugins, and has the good efficient and performance/price ratio. Its design essence is, formerly after total conceptual design, a design which points each main spare part, question of installing and making a reservation etc., and carry on the intensity to check and test specific part, and in relevant thematic parts, analysis of comparing question that the life-span of very beginning of the hammer lengthens in detail. In the design of each spare part, should include the choice, sureness, demand processed, structure craft satisfaction of the size of the material, and the demand for cooperating with other parts, etc. When the intensity is checked, should use relevant formulae, carry on the analysis of the dangerous position, need to check form, mapping, calculation, etc.
    Key Words:five degrees of freedom;multi-joint;robot
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  工业机器人的发展及研究现状    1
    1.2.1  机器人的研究背景    1
    1.2.2  国外机器人研究状况    2
    1.2.3  国内机器人研究状况    4
    1.3  本课题的研究意义    5
    1.4  本课题的课题任务及设计要求    5
    1.4.1  课题任务    5
    1.4.2  课题要求    6
    2  五自由度多关机机器人的总体设计    7
    2.1  机器人设计概述    7
    2.2  机器人设计的特点    8
    2.3  五自由度多关节机器人的总体方案设计    9
    2.3.1 机器人手臂自由度的分配和选型    10
    2.3.2 机器人手臂结构方案的对比分析及选择    12
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