    主轴组件由主轴,主轴轴承和安装在主轴的传动件,密封件等组成。合理配置轴承可以提高主轴精度、降低温升和简化支承结构。在数控机床上配置轴承时, 前后轴承都应能承受径向载荷,支承间的距离要选择合理,并根据机床的实际情况配置承受轴向力的轴承。主轴组件是机床实现旋转运动的执行件,它直接带动工件或刀具参加表成形运动是机床上的一个关键组件。
    在数控机床中,不论是数控车床、钻床还是铣床,其主轴是最关键的部件,对机床精度起着至关重要的作用。 21021
    毕业论文关键词:数控车床;主轴部件;主轴回转精度 ; 主轴轴承;轴向力;
    The EX - 110 CNC lathe spindle component design
    Abstract: this design is based on the EX - 110 CNC lathe spindle units as the main content. Tells the story of the structure of the nc machine tools design requirements: to improve the structure of the machine tool stiffness, improve the structure of the machine tool vibration resistance, and reduce the thermal deformation of machine tool. Main design of the front end of the spindle diameter of axle before and after the size and shape, the calculation of the spindle span, and the type of support and the selection of bearing. Spindle is the key part of machining center, its structure and has a great influence on the performance of the machining center, therefore, in the process of design as the main object.
    Spindle component by the spindle, spindle bearing and installed in main shaft of the transmission parts, seals, etc. The rational allocation of bearing can improve precision of the spindle, to reduce the temperature rise and simplify the supporting structure. Before and after the configuration on the nc machine tool bearings, bearing should be able to bear radial load, the distance between bearing to choose reasonable, according to the actual situation of machine tool configuration under axial force bearing. Spindle component is a machine tool to realize the execution of a rotary motion, it directly drives the workpiece or tool part in sheet forming is a key component of machine tool.
    Is one of the main components of machine tool spindle components, its performance, has a great influence on the engine performance, spindle directly inherit the cutting force, speed range is very large, so the main properties of the spindle component request high.
    In CNC machine tools, both numerical control lathe, drilling machine and milling machine, the main shaft is the most critical components, precision of nc machine tools plays a vital role.
    So how to properly design influence on the machining accuracy of machine tool spindle and its components are critical.
    Keywords: CNC lathe; Spindle assembly; Spindle rotation accuracy. Spindle bearing. Axial force;
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 选题背景    1
    1.3课题研究的意义    1
    1.4 数控车床的特点与发展.2
    1.6 EX-110数控车床主轴部件设计课题任务3
    2 主轴部件设计    4
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