
    The design of molding process and injection mold of automobile lamp holder
    Abstract: Plastic mold is one of the important equipment of plastic forming, plays an important role in the plastic products manufacturing process, which directly affects the quality, performance. In this paper, through the reasonable arrangements for automobile lamp holder molding process and the design of injection mold, introduces the basic process of automobile lamp holder injection molding, especially the structure and working principle of single injection mold parting surface. Analysis of structure and shape of the parts and 3D modeling, the performance of ABS material, comprehensive selection of a reasonable forming method, then design and analysis of injection. The mold uses bevel pillar mold core-pulling mechanism and ejecting mechanism solves the demoulding problem of the plastic parts with some porous around, the die structure is compact, Pushing mechanism reliable, convenient installation and operation, the molding of good quality. Using UG and CAD to the die assembly drawings, the main forming parts diagram and other non-standard parts drawing, check the injection molding machine correlation dimension and molding parts dimension theoretical calculation. According to the product requirement, and ultimately determine the overall scheme of mould design.
    Key words: automobile lamp holder; injection mold; die structure; UG
    目  录
    1  绪论  。1
    1.1  注塑模具工业在国民经济中的地位 。1
    1.2  注塑模具的分类。1
    1.3  模具在汽车行业的现状及发展趋势。2
    2  产品技术要求和工艺分析  4
    2.1  产品技术要求4
    2.1.1  产品设计图4
    2.1.2  产品技术要求 4
    2.2  塑件的工艺分析 。4
    2.2.1  塑件结构工艺性 。4
    2.2.2  塑件成型工艺性要求 。4
    2.3  塑件材质特性 5
    3  注射成型机的选择 。6
    3.1  初选注射机设备 。6
    3.1.1  估算零件体积和质量 。6
    3.1.2  锁模力 。6
    3.1.3  选择注射机及注射机的主要参数 6
    3.2  注塑机的校核 7
    3.2.1  注射压力的校核 。7
    3.2.2  锁模力的校核 7
    4  浇注系统的设计 。8
    4.1  分型面位置的确定 8
    4.2  确定型腔数量及排列方式 。9
    4.3  浇注系统的设计 9
    4.3.1  浇口设计 10
    4.3.2  主流道的设计 11
    4.4  凹模的结构设计 11
    4.5  凸模的结构设计 12
    5  模具成型零件的工作尺寸计算 13
    6  排气系统的设计 。15
    6.1  排气的不良危害 15
      6.2  排气系统的设计方法 15
    7  导向与脱模机构的设计 。16
    7.1  导向机构的作用和设计原则 。16
    7.1.1  导向机构的作用 。16
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