    关键词:  直线一级倒立摆  PID算法  建模   实时仿真
    Title    the analong simulation design of an inverted pendulum                     
    Inverted pendulum system is a complex , nonlinear, unstable , and time-depengent high order system . Lots of control problems , such as linear problems , robustness problems , and the follow-up problems can be effectively reflected by the inverted pendulum system. Thus , the inverted pendulum system is an ideal laboratory equipment in the modern control theory .
    This topic using Newton - Euler method modeling for the linear inverted pendulum and pendulum car and deriveds equation of state of the inverted pendulum system -level space output equation , derived its output functions. Then according to the given control performance requirements and transfer function model on matlab platform design linear inverted pendulum control system, device or controller gives the correct transfer function model . Inverted pendulum balance control partially achieved with PID algorithm. PID algorithm can be achieved through data collection, calculation and control the amount of output from the linear stage inverted pendulum swing of the pendulum and stability control , and can achieve the output data , the curve display.
    Finally, a summary of the work done by the subject , and the inverted pendulum further research work carried Looking ahead, providing a powerful tool for future research and experimental development of control systems .
    Keywords : Linear inverted pendulum  PID  Modeling simulation
    目 录
    1.1引言    1
    1.2课题的背景及意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状    1
    1.4论文结构安排    3
    2 直线一级倒立摆系统数学模型的建立及系统分析    4
    2.1引言    4
    2.2倒立摆模型描述    4
    2.3直线一级倒立摆系统数学模型的建立    5
    3 单级倒立摆的MATLAB仿真    11
    3.1MATLAB仿真软件介绍    11
    3.1.1 MATLAB的概述与特点    11
    3.1.2 Simulink的概述    11
    3.2倒立摆PID控制器的设计    12
    3.2.1 PID控制算法简介    12
    比例控制器(P调节)    13
    积分控制器(I调节)    13
    微分控制器(D调节)    13
    3.2.2 直线一级倒立摆的PID控制器设计    14
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