    关键词 枪管  加热装置  热应力  烧蚀  寿命
    Title  Barrel heating simulation device design
    The main role of the infantry automatic weapons for killing their remaining targets,it must ensure that adequate firing automatic weapons with a powerful , high rate of fire and a good shooting accuracy . However, a large number of automatic weapons firing process, the inner wall of the barrel subjected to high temperatures , resulting in the ablation effect after the gunpowder gases and high-speed flow of high pressure , abrasion and thermal stress , erosion and abrasion caused by the barrel gradually changing the barrel size. With the increasing number of projectiles, ablation and wear is gradually increased, gradually bore damage, projectile fired out of the ballistic performance also will be destroyed. Effects of erosion and abrasion and thermal stress on the weapon barrel life and shooting accuracy is a widely studied but has not yet been well resolved. So a barrel heating simulation device designed to study this erosion ,abrasion and thermal stress bore barrel when firing automatic weapons produced . Barrel heating simulation device including hardware and software design in two parts , the hardware part of the design of a heating device , using cylindrical resistance furnace to heat the barrel; software part of the virtual instrument development platform designed resistance furnace temperature control system in order to achieve real-time measurement and control the temperature of the furnace.
    Keywords  barrel   heating device  Thermal stress   Ablative   Life
    1 引言    2
    1.1 枪管加热模拟装置发展背景    2
    1.2 枪管加热模拟装置特点    3
    1.3 枪管加热模拟装置国内外研究和发展现状    3
    1.4 枪管加热模拟装置发展趋势及前景    3
    2 枪管加热模拟装置总体设计    5
    2.1 加热装置的选择    5
    2.2 软件开发平台的选择    5
    3 电阻加热炉设计    6
    3.1 设计原则    6
    3.2 电加热炉的优点    6
    3.3 电阻加热炉结构设计    6
    3.3.1 炉门设计    7
    3.3.2 耐火材料的选择    8
    3.3.3 耐火管的选择    8
    3.4 电阻加热炉功率计算    9
    3.5 电热元件设计    10
    3.51 电热元件材料选择    10
    3.52 电热元件结构设计    10
    3.53 电热元件尺寸计算    10
    4 电阻炉温度控制设计    12
    4.1 系统的设计原则    12
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