    在论文的最后,总结了仿真过程中遇到的问题,并提出了一些新的想法 20754
    关键词: 惯性开关  微流体  VOF模型   
    Title  Structure design and performance analysis of a inertial switch based on microfluidics
    Traditional micro-mechanical inertial switch based on “solid-solid” metal contacts has the disadvantages of contact wear, contact instability, high contact resistance and poor anti-interference ability. With the development of science, there is a greater demand for a better inertial switch, which could overcome the shortcomings of micro-mechanical inertial switch. Micro-fluidic inertial switch fits the bill.
    The task of this graduation project is to design a Micro-fluidic inertial switch. It could be applied to the condition that the acceleration of switch less than 4000g. To complete the design, I must understand the knowledge of Micro-fluidic inertial switch. This paper analyzed the principle of Micro-fluidic inertial switch theoretically and simulated the structure by VOF model. The optimization of the structure is done by changing the design parameters of micro channel. A reasonable structure was designed at last. Simulated by Fluent, switching threshold of this structure was
    At the end of the thesis,I summarized the problems in the process of simulation and put forward some new ideas.
      Keywords  inertial switch  micro-fluidic  VOF model switching threshold
     目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  MEMS技术综述    1
    1.3  MEMS流体惯性开关的研究现状    2
    1.4  本文的主要工作    3
    2  MEMS流体惯性开关的理论基础    4
    2.1  流体力学的基本理论    4
    2.2  流体流动的研究方法    5
    3  MEMS流体惯性开关的阈值和结构    7
    3.1  MEMS流体惯性开关的阈值    7
    3.2  MEMS流体惯性开关的结构    8
    4  MEMS流体惯性开关的仿真与优化    11
    4.1  MEMS流体惯性开关的仿真    11
    4.2  MEMS流体惯性开关的优化    18
    结  论    25
    致  谢    26
     1  引言
    1.1  选题背景及意义
    当前,弹药系统的发展方向是智能化和多功能化。微机电系统(micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS)这种技术的出现能够满足弹药系统的发展要求[ ]。
    欧美国家早已开始在引信中采用MEMS机械器件代替传统的机械器件,并且取得了一定的成果。相比于以往所用的机械引信,MEMS引信在体积上可降低1~2个数量级能节省有限的空间,有的引信存储寿命可达20年以上,且具有高可靠性[ ]。引信尺寸的缩小能释放更多的空间,释放的空间可用来增加弹药,大幅增强杀伤力。
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