    关键词:电动汽车  双横臂独立悬架  减振器  螺旋弹簧  
    Title    Suspension System Design Based on A Certain Type of The Electric Car                                                                     
    With the continuous development of automobile industry, electric cars and other new energy vehicles of various kinds are springing up constantly. Suspension as an important part of the chassis assembly is closely related with the vehicle's many properties, so it is endowed with new requirements. Improvement and innovation, the structure and parameters of suspension can make it with new energy vehicles for good matching is an important part of the study when the front suspension.
    This article is based on a certain type of electric cars to the relationship between suspension and performance as foothold, comprehensive consideration, to design a set of reasonable suspension structure, improve vehicle ride comfort and stability. The research content includes the choice of the elastic element and the determination of size parameters, calculation and determination of shock absorber, layout analysis and determination, 3 d modeling using CATIA software. Finally completed the design process of the double wishbone typed independent suspension frame.
    Keywords   electric car   double wishbone independent suspension    shock absorber     coil spring  
    1.  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    1
    2. 悬架概述    2
    2.1  悬架设计的要求    4
    2.2 悬架对汽车性能的影响    5
    2.3本章小结    8
    3. 悬架及弹性元件的结构形式与分析    10
    3.1 悬架的结构形式与分析    10
    3.2 弹性元件的特定分析比较    12
    3.3  悬架方案的选择    12
    3.4 本章小结    13
    4. 悬架的设计计算    14
    4.1 悬架主要参数确定    14
    4.2 独立悬架导向机构设计    16
    4.3弹性元件的计算    21
    4.4  减振器的选择    23
    4.5本章小结    25
    5.CATIA建模    26
    结论    29
    致谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1.  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
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