    关键词   机械手  结构设计  转动  平动  动作顺序
    Title         Designing The Robot Of Handling Material                             
    Based on the programing requirements , designing the robot of Material Handling structure, the specific contents are as follows:
    (1) Selecting the robot coordinate form according to the programming requirements,then picking the motor types and models, and using the belt drive system to transfer electrical power, then through a shaft and column connected to achieve rotation function of the manipulator and checking the shaft and parts on the shaft.
    (2) Selecting the cylinder and rolling guide models according to the programing requirements and designing the rail support component to achieve robot translational function.
    (3) Selecting the way of transporting the object of the robot ,and carried out a detailed layout on robot and checking the adsorption of robot, then analyzing the motion of robot and determining the sequence of actions when the robot transporting the object : robot coming out and adsorbing the object - robot retracting - robot spinning - robot extending and releasing object - robot retracting - robot turning back to the initial position.
    Keywords   Robot   Structural Design   Spinning   Moving   Action Sequence
    目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及意义    1
    1.2   机械手国内外发展概况    1
    1.3   机械手发展趋势    2
    2  机械手及其结构    4
    2.1  机械手作用    4
    2.2  机械手组成    4
    2.3  机械手自由度    6
    2.4  机械手坐标型式    7
    3  取料机械手总体方案设计    10
    3.1  取料机械手设计要求    10
    3.2  取料机械手的总体方案    10
    3.3  取料机械手的坐标形式选择    10
    4  取料机械手传动机构设计    12
    4.1  电机选择    12
    4.2  带传动设计方案    13
    4.3  轴及轴上零件设计    14
    5  取料机械手横移机构设计    24
    5.1  取料机械手横移机构的驱动元件    24
    5.2  导轨滑块系统选择    27
    5.3  导轨支承部件设计    29
    5.4  气缸、滑块与机械手联接部件设计    30
    6  机械手手部设计    32
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