    毕业论文关键词  换刀机器人 水平移动系统 伺服电机 滚动导轨 装配图
    Title     The mechanical design of tool exchange robot  Design of the horizontal movement system                                            
    Now FMS(Flexible Manufacturing System) has been used more widely than before . As an important component part of FMS , more attention has been payed to the development of the tool exchange robot .
    This article deals with the design of horizontal movement system of the tool exchange robot (the longitudinal mobile system and the vertical mobile system) , according to the design requirements ,the overall structure and components were calculated , analyzed and designed by using the related knowledge . AC servo motor was determined as the drive mode , the type and specification of servo motor model was selected . The rolling rail and gear rack were determined as the transmission mode for the longitudinal mobile system, the rolling rail and ball screws were selected as transmission mode for the vertical mobile system . The stiffness check and analysis test were carried out for the designed or selected components , ensured the design accuracy of the tool exchange robot , improved its versatility to meet the requirements of industrial production .According to mission requirements, finished the drawing of the general assembly drawing , horizontal movement system assembly drawing and the main part drawing .
    Keywords  Tool exchange robot   Horizontal movement system   Servo motor
     Rolling rail   Assembly drawing
    目   次 
    1  绪论…1
    1.1  换刀机器人的概念…1
    1.2  换刀机器人的发展1
    1.3  国内外研究历史和发展现状2
    1.4  课题研究的意义3
    2  换刀机器人的总体设计…5
    2.1  换刀机器人的组成及各部分关系概述5
    2.2  换刀机器人的主要功能5
    2.3  换刀机器人的设计方案5
    3  换刀机器人的机械系统设计9
    3.1  换刀机器人的执行机构设计9
    4  水平移动系统的设计…11
    4.1  伺服系统方案设计11
    5  传动系统的设计15
    5.1  纵向传动系统的设计…15
    5.2  横向移动系统的设计…19
    6  导轨的选择计算25
    6.1  纵向导轨选择25
    6.2  横向导轨选择30
    7  联轴器的选择…32
    结论 33
    致谢 35
    1  绪论
    在现代机械产业飞速发展的今天,柔性制造系统正日益普及化,数控加工中心的发展也非常迅速,机器人被广泛的应用于自动生产线中。在日新月异的高科技领域内,机械设备的生产和研制促进了机器人的发展,已成为迅速发展起来的一门新兴技术,使得机器人朝着自动化、机械化的方向发展。作为柔性制造系统中非常重要的部分,换刀机器人被越来越受到重视,同时也在日新月异的发展。它的出现会使制造业变得更方便化,轻松化。机器人技术涉及到机构学、力学、液压技术、机械设计以及计算机技术等众多领域[ ]。
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