    关键词: 塑料模具;模具结构;设计
    Yuekang fuse holder with plastic ware intelligent design
    Abstract: The graduation design specification is mainly about the fuse fixing parts die design process. Through the analysis of the technology of plastic parts, the design of plastic mold.
    First of all, this paper a brief introduction of the mold design and classification, and then the product was introduced by the material properties, and the initial choice of injection machine.
    This statement has also described in detail the structure of the program die, including the identification of sub-surface, forming the structural design of parts and components, Stripping agencies Die-oriented institutions, and so on the cooling system design process. There is still an important part of the process parameters of choice and calculation. Check with the injection mold injection machines.
    This design is through the use of UG and AutoCAD completion of the assembly, parts map. The integrated design of a university graduate in four years the school's expertise to further consolidate the mold design-related knowledge, and the accumulation of related design ideas and experience.
    Key words: Plastic mold; The mold structure; design
    1  塑件工艺分析    1
    1.1  塑件分析    1
    1.2塑件工艺性分析    2
    1.2.2  ABS的成型特点    2
    1.2.3  ABS的注射工艺参数    3
    2  拟定模具结构形式    4
    2.1  分型面位置的确定    4
    2.2  确定型腔数量及排列方式    5
    2.2.1  型腔数量的确定    5
    2.2.2型腔的布局    6
    3  注射成型机的选择    7
    3.1  注射机的选用    7
    3.2锁模力校核    8
    3.3  注射容量校核    8
    4  浇注系统的设计    10
    4.1  主流道设置    10
    4.1.1  主流道尺寸    10
    4.1.2  浇口套    12
    4.2  分流道设计    13
    4.2.1  分流道的作用    13
    4.2.2  设计要点    13
    4.2.3  分流道的形状及尺寸    13
    4.3  浇口的设计    15
    4.3.1 浇口的作用    15
    4.3.2 浇口设计的基本要点    15
    4.3.3浇口的类型    16
    5成型零件的设计与计算    17
    5.1  成型零件的结构设计    17
    5.1.1  定模结构设计    17
    5.1.2  动模结构设计    18
    5.2  成型零件工作尺寸计算    19
    5.2.1 平均值法计算公式    20
    5.2.2 型芯工作尺寸计算    21
    5.2.3 型腔工作尺寸计算    22
    5.2.4  模具型腔侧壁的确定    24
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