    摘要 汽车右转向灯面罩固定架对面罩和灯座起固定作用,主要有翘曲、变形等缺点。针对此问题,对塑件进行合理的三文造型然后再生成其二文工程视图,分析其主要结构特征,确定其需要侧抽芯机构。提出滑块、楔紧块、弹簧和二次推出机构相结合来完成侧抽,研究注塑模具各种机构的特点后,改进了传统的二次推出机构和拉料杆的固定方式。借助于Pro/E分析及结合实际情况来确定塑件合适的浇口位置,通过多种方案比较选择合适的浇口,其中排气系统根据气泡位置分析确定,根据冷却质量分析确定冷却系统等。反复校核选取的注塑机,模架,确定最合适的方案。结果表明此模具设计合理,能够实现一次注射成型。38055
    毕业论文关键词 面罩固定架;注塑模具;侧抽创新;推出机构;固定
    The injection mold design of auto right turn signal visor fixation
    Abstract The mask and holders was fixed on the auto right turn signal visor fixation, it primarily had warping, distortion and other shortcomings. In order to solve this problem, the proper three dimensional plastic production molding was built and then generated two-dimensional engineering drawings. With analyzing its characteristics, identifying that it needed side core-pulling mechanism. Slider, wedged tight, springs and secondary were presented to combine in order to finish side ejection mechanism. After studying the characteristics of injection molds, the tradition of the second ejection mechanism and the means of fixation of puller rod were improved. By Pro/E analysis and according to actual conditions to determine the appropriate gate locations of plastic production, the right gate was selected with various comparison, where the exhaust system was based on the bubble position analysis, and the cooling systems was determined according to the cooling quality. Checking the selection of injection molding machine and mold was repeated to determine the most appropriate solution. Results showed that the mold design was reasonable and it could realized an injection molding.
    Keywords visor fixation; injection mold; side pumping innovation; ejecting mechanism;fixed
    摘要    3
    Abstract    3
    0 前言    4
      0.1课题研究背景    4
      0.2汽车右转向灯面罩固定架的结构特点与设计要求    4
    第1章 汽车右转向灯面罩固定架塑料件工艺分析    5
      1.1汽车右转向灯面罩固定架塑料件工艺设计要求    5
      1.2塑件材料分析    6
      1.3 汽车右转向灯面罩固定架塑件的结构分析    8
        1.3.1汽车右转向灯面罩固定架主要尺寸分析    8
        1.3.2 汽车右转向灯面罩固定架的表面质量的分析    9
        1.3.3 汽车右转向灯面罩固定架的结构性分析    10
      1.4 明确塑件生产要求    10
      1.5 塑件体积和质量的计算    10
    第2章 注塑机的选用    12
      2.1注射机分析选择    12
      2.2 初选注射机型号    12
    第3章  模具设计的有关计算    14
      3.1型腔成型尺寸的的计算    14
        3.1.1型腔径向成型尺寸的计算    14
        3.1.2型腔深度成型尺寸的计算    15
      3.2型芯成型尺寸的计算    16
        3.2.1型芯径向成型尺寸的计算    16
        3.2.2型芯高度成型尺寸的计算    17
    第4章 模具总体方案分析    20
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