    关键词    AT89C52  客车空气质量  LCD显示 
    Title    The Design about Air Quality of Sunroof testing unit in  Buses                                               
    With the continuous improvement of the properties in our transports of todays’ society, people are putting forward higher requirements of traveling environment ,air quality conditions of internal buses are increasingly being concerned . In order to monitor and control the bus poisonous gases as the background , using the core processing unit 80C51 chip AT89C52 as the control center.Firstly, using air quality sensors to collect information on the air, secondly performing A/D conversion circuit , then the simulated signal is converted to digital signal to realize the real-time bus signals in the formaldehyde gas concentration, benzene and ammonia acquisition, signal processing . Analysis processing by the above MCU. Digital processing of driving the  crystal display within the passenger air measured the concentration of harmful gases, while the alarm system can be a timely reminder alarm when parameters exceeded. Detection unit occupied in small space, in lower power consumption, with good portability and versatility, with the results displaying on the LCD1602 dot-matrix LCD screen. Also the detection unit has a good man-machine dialogue interface, suitable for medium-sized passenger cars, buses in real time to reflect internal air quality.
    Keywords   AT89C52; Air Quality of the Buses;  LCD Display 
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.1.1  客车空气问题成因    1
    1.1.2  课题研究目的及意义    1
    1.2  客车内空气品质及认识    2
    1.3 空气品质监测方法及改善方法     2
    1.3.1 空气品质监测方法     2
    1.3.2 改善空气品质方法及优缺点     3
    1.3.3 空气品质测试指标的选定     3
    1.4  国内外的研究状况    4
    1.5  本文主要研究内容及总体方案设计    5
    1.5.1  本文的主要研究内容    5
    1.5.2  总体方案设计    5
    2  客车环保智能天窗空气质量检测单元系统的硬件设计     5
    2.1 单片机系统简介     5
    2.1.1 客车环保智能天窗空气质量检测单元系统硬件结构及原理     7
    2.1.2 AT89S52单片机简介     7
    2.1.3 protel99se软件电路设计     8
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