    关键词  滚动直线导轨副  精度  摩擦  试验台

    Title   The Design of Roller Linear Guide  Accuracy and Friction Test Bed                                                
    Based on the analysis of the current test technology and research of the roller linear guide accuracy and friction, a test bed for the measurement of the roller linear guide accuracy and friction was designed.
    Through market research and analysis, the measurement principle of accuracy and friction were put forward. Combined with practical application, the characteristic parameter and functional requirements of the test bed were determined, as well as the overall design. And then after comparison and analyzing several programs of driving component, the best one was elected.
    According to the design requirements of the bed, the structure of bed component, working mesa component and right angle drive component were designed respectively while the components which effect the accuracy and friction of the test bed were checked, which combine with the assembly methods to accomplish the structure designing of each component. On this basis, the entire structure of the test bed was assembled by all components.
    Moreover, the measurement system was simply design, and part of the hardware was chosen.
    Keywords  Roller linear guide  Accuracy  Friction  Test bed
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 滚动直线导轨副精度与摩擦测量研究现状    1
    1.2 课题研究背景及意义    4
    1.3 论文主要研究内容    5
    1.4 本章小结    5
    2 滚动直线导轨副精度与摩擦试验台总体设计    6
    2.1 精度检测方案对比    6
    2.2 精度与摩擦测量原理    6
    2.3 试验台功能要求与性能指标    8
    2.4 试验台总体设计    9
    2.5 试验台驱动方案设计分析与对比    11
    2.6 本章小结    20
    3 滚动直线导轨副精度与摩擦试验台结构设计    21
    3.1 床身结构设计    21
    3.2 工作台的结构设计    23
    3.3 驱动部件结构设计    24
    3.4 被测导轨支撑架结构设计与分析    28
    3.5 精度与摩擦试验台总体结构    30
    3.6 本章小结    30
    4 试验台测量分析及硬件选型    31
    4.1 精度测量    31
    4.2 摩擦力测量    33
    4.3 数据测量系统硬件    34
    4.4 本章小结    39
    结  论    40
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