    关键词:  数控液压机  远程监控与文护  嵌入式前端  软件设计  
    Title    Embedded Intelligent Monitoring And Maintenance  Unit Software Design Of CNC Hydraulic Machine                                    
    To ensure the safe and stable operation of CNC hydraulic machine, I need to configure a dedicated monitoring system for the CNC hydraulic machine,
    in order to achieve its operational status of remote real-time monitoring.
    Based on the analysis of numerical control equipment monitoring requirements,we designed the overall scheme of a monitoring system; I realized the scene data acquisition by the end of the STM32 hardware platform; Using VB language,we has developed a set of hydraulic equipment embedded intelligent front-end monitoring software with the function of data monitoring, alarm, data drawing, Historical data recording and inquiring; It has been realized that STM32 serial communication between the client terminal and the remote control terminal.Multiple sets of data real-time transmission function also has been achieved.
    CNC hydraulic machine embedded intelligent monitoring and maintenance unit prototype which we has designed is still in the preliminary stages of research and development.The results in the laboratory environment simulation software running shows that a partial function has been realized.We have achieved the desired goal,and it has a certain reference value for practical engineering applications.
    Keywords:  CNC Hydraulic Machine, Remote Monitoring and Maintenance, Embedded Front, Software Design
     目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  嵌入式系统的国内外研究    1
    1.2  发展趋势    2
    1.3  课题来源与主要任务    3
    1.4  本文章节安排    3
    2  总体设计    4
    2.1  系统设计需求分析    4
    2.2  系统设计    5
    2.3  开发工具    7
    2.4  本章小结    10
    3  详细功能设计    10
    3.1  现场端软件功能设计    10
    3.2  监控端软件功能设计    13
    3.3  本章小结    21
    4  系统仿真调试    22
    4.1  现场端程序编译    22
    4.2  硬件连接调试    24
    4.3  软件调试    25
    4.4  本章小结    26
    结  论    27
    致  谢    28
    附 录    31
    1  引言
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