    关键词  褐煤;干燥;翅片管换热器;设计  
    Title Low temperature waste heat material drying system and   the design of heat exchanger                           
    Our country consums a large quantity of coal power erery year.  Lignite reserves are abundant in our country, accounting for about 13% of the coal resources. Alonging with the  shortage of  energy and the pollution of environment  getting more and more intensified, how to utilize lignite reasonably and effectively becomes a key point. In recent years the research of using lignite has been developed, but  drying are generally needed in these techniques before using. This paper introduces the development course of lignite coal technology, and several main lignite drying technology. Simply study drying lignite using the method of moving bed. Do the calculation in the design of the air cooler with air cooling medium and industrial waste heat source according to the principle. Then design the structure of the heat exchanger according to the calculation results.
    This graduation design is an exercise of my ability, and a combination of knowledge and the actual practices. It lays a certain foundation for my later work in the design.
    Keywords  lignitous coal; dry;  finned tube heat exchanger; design
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  褐煤脱水技术分类    2
    1.4  研究意义    4
    2  换热器的设计    5
    2.1  褐煤颗粒干燥系统    5
    2.2  根据条件设计气—水换热器    8
    2.3  本章小结    17
    机械设计    18
    3.1  主要目标    18
    3.2  选型与图纸    18
    3.3  管程阻力计算    23
    3.4  本章小结    24
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
    中国对煤炭的消耗量非常大,自2005年以来,煤炭占能源消费比例一直超过60%[1] ,国内的烟煤、无烟煤随着长时间的开采逐年减少,而褐煤资源比较丰富,已经探知到的褐煤已经超过了1000亿吨,所占比例已经超过了我国煤炭总量的10% [2]。褐煤的主要分布地区是在云南省和内蒙古,特别是在云南,已经探明的褐煤的储量已经超过了全国煤炭储量的60%,并且其中的绝大多数是分布在地壳表层,可以直接露天开采,十分方便 [3]。同时由于煤炭是不可再生能源,随着化石能源的消耗,煤炭价格的逐渐升高势在必然,因此更高效地利用价格相对低廉的褐煤资源对于社会价值和经济水平的提高意义非凡[4]。
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