    摘要当前,随着科技的进步和战争形式的变化,传统的固体药火炮已经不能满足现代战场对武器的要求,各国开始着手研究能大幅提高初速和威力的新概念火炮,以提高火炮对现代战场的适应能力。再生式液体炮( )是其中之一,相比传统固体药火炮它有许多优点,是当前技术比较成熟的一种新概念火炮。本论文根据内弹道理论,结合再生式液体炮的特点,提出一些合理的假设,建立了再生式液体炮内弹道[1]零文模型,利用四阶-龙格库塔法和 编程针对23  结构与装填参数进行数值计算,获得了燃烧室、贮液室压力随时间的变化规律以及炮口初速等参数,数值模拟结果与实验结果能够较好的吻合[2]。在此基础上利用该软件进行了数值预测,分析了液体药量、活塞启动压力、弹丸质量等参数变化对 内弹道性能的影响。19228
    关键词:  内弹道模型  再生式液体炮  数值模拟
    Title:  The model of the interior ballistics of liquid propellant powered artillery and numerical calculation
    Abstract: Nowadays, with the advancement of technology and the change of form of war, conventional solid propellant[3] cannon can not meet the requirements of the modern battleground to weapons. In order to improve the ability to adapt to the modern  battleground,  many countries begin to research  on the  new  concept of  cannon which  can  significantly improve the muzzle velocity and power. Regenerative liquid cannon( ) is one of them,it is a kind of  new   concept  cannon which is relatively  mature on the current technology  and it  has   many  advantages  over  conventional  solid propellant  cannon.  Based  on the theory  of  the   interior ballistics and the feature of  [4],  this paper   makes  some  reasonable   assumptions  and  establishes  the Zero-dimensional model of the interior ballistics  of  liquid propellant powered cannon.Also we use fourth-order   Runge-Kutta method and VB 6.0 program to carry on numerical calculations about the structure and loading parameters of 23  . Through the numerical calculations,we obtain the muzzle velocity , the variation in the combustion chamber and the  reservoir chamber with time and other parameters[5] .  The numerical simulation  and experimental  results are basically consistent  . We  also analyze the  influence of   the amount of   liquid   propellant,  starting    pressure,the  mass of projectiles and other parameters  on the function of the interior ballistics.
    Keywords: the model of the interior ballistics    Regenerative liquid propellant powered artillery          numerical calculation
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景与意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究状况    3
    1.3    本课题主要工作    5
    2    再生式液体炮内弹道模型    7
    2.1    物理模型    7
    2.1.1     内弹道循环过程特点    7
    2.1.2    简化假设    7
    2.2    数学模型    9
    2.2.1    第一阶段——活塞运动前数学模型    9
    2.2.2    第二阶段——弹丸运动前数学模型    9
    2.2.3    第三阶段——活塞停止运动前    10
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