








    Title  natural image matting and software implementation   


    Digital image matting is an image processing technology extracting some certain parts(foreground)  from the other parts(background). This technology is used for the special effects in film industrial, and has made great commercial value for the industrial. With development of science and technology and the increasing human demanding, image matting has evolved from fixed background image matting to natural image matting, and been widely used in magazine design, graphic arts, advertisement, family entertainment, video post-production and etc. 

    The following 4 works has been done in this paper:

    1. Introduce the meaning of the research and the domestic and overseas current status  

    2. Introduce several common matting algorithm.

    3. Study the region merging algorithm of interactive information based natural image matting, which can extract the interested object from the background by obtaining the main features of object and back ground from the interactive information.

    4. Propose the detailed design and the implementation scheme of the algorithm, and implement it with software. According to the experiments we have done, the algorithm can extract the interested object with several markers, while preserve the integrity of the object contour, which can be used in image edit and combining. 

    Keywords: digital matting, natural image matting, maximal similarity rule, segmentation, region merging, object foreground, background

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  研究背景 5

    1.2 理论基础及问题定义 6

    1.3 国内外发展动态 9

    1.3.1 蓝屏抠图技术 10

    1.3.2 基于trimap的自然图像抠图技术 11

    1.3.3 基于线条的自然图像抠图技术 11

    1.4  本课题的研究工作以及结构安排 12

    2  几种常见的自然图像抠图算法 12

    2.1  泊松抠图算法 12

    2.2  Knockout抠图算法 13

    2.3  鲁棒抠图算法 14

    2.4  贝叶斯抠图算法

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